actually jinx means curse, but itz for you to decide whether this would represent a jinx or a blessing instead. I personally see it as an experience that God uses to teach me to "grow"
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Beach it is!!
Usually I said mountains, since I assumed am a beach girl. My back yard is the beach.. so I thought, beaches won't be something special any longer. Coz I've been living with it all the time.
So, that's why, I usually said mountains.
Turned out just now, after facebook-ing. Adding one applications, and they give you quiz to answers. One of the questions make me realize that I do miss the smell of the salt beach water. I still love it. Or maybe because I haven't catch the small often?
So, from now.. beach it is!!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
My Wednesday Journey
M : May, ntr jd kan? Ketemuan dimana? betha ada meeting jam 6 di Tendean, tp paling bentar doang kok.HAH? gubrak! panic attack! You got to be kidding?
V : Jadi dong. Enaknya dimana ya? Kalo ga di Blok M, or Pacific Place. Gmn?
M : Eh, gw pake motor may. Jd ntr abis meeting, pulang dulu ke Depok ambil mobil. Kalo ketemu di Margonda aja gimana May?
V : Aduh, jauh amat. Zn ada other choices ya?
M : Soalnya b kalo balik lagi, macet May.
I didn't reply his last sms. Ok, am tagging along, but doesn't mean I have to go through all this effort just to have some ikang bakar, kohu2, n papeda. Ough-ough!
On SMS with Febiola
V : Neng, mo jalan berapa?
F : Jam 5 jalan dari antasari May. Skrg masi di kantor Pancoran, tp bentar lagi jalan.
V : Ha? cepet bener! Gw jd ikut lu bsa?
no reply from F.
[me thinking hard MODE : ON]
Starts dialing Grace's number.
G : Hi May, sorry..
[opens with a "sorry" isn't a good sign]
G continues : betha zn bsa pi - i knew it!
G : betha pung anak besok ulangan, n dia zn akan belajar klo b zn ada.
V : yaaah, emg zn bsa ditinggal ya Grace?
G : zn bsa May, soalnya ulangannya ada 2 pelajaran. Kalo 1 doang sih, gw bablas aja. Padahal betha pengen banget ni.. Mana udh janji Benny lagi, ga enak ni.
V : yah, jd zn bsa ni ya Grace? kasian juga ya Benny.. -besides that, I also wanna nebeng if possible!
G : Iya, zn bsa May. Salam aja ya bwt yang laen..
V : Ok. Bye.
end with no prospect at all going with Grace.
sent another text to Marci..
V : Kalo ketemu di Citos gmn Ci? Kan deket, n berlawanan arah.O-oh. Now what? I promised Benny, I'll come.
M : Wah, gw baliknya kejauhan May. Macet lagi.
Already 5pm something. Neneng must have left, heading to Benny's place. Of course no luck in joining her. Might as well go back to the apt., and we'll see la!
530 pm-an
M : May, klo ketemuannya di Tj.Barat gimana? Biar sama2 di tengah.Then I decided to call him instead.
V : Bole bgt. Kalo disitu b tau. Itu terusannya wrg buncit kan?
Finally, the decision was, he's gonna pick me up @ the nearest TransJakarta halt. I can start moving when he has the car with him. Let him wait for me, instead of me waiting for him. Good Call!
This happened when I was already heading back to the apt. I can leave the car there. Later can take the shuttle, and change to TransJakarta, heading Lenteng Agung halt.
While waiting for Marci, I texted Fanry, asking whether he still wanna join us or not. It's only 6pm now. Marci said he's meeting will start @ 6, so I thought Fanry will have time to come to the apt., parked his motorcycle and together go to the meeting point. He can't join.
630pm - assuming meeting has finished already, since Marci said, it will on be awhile.
7pm - still no news. he said he'll call me when he's about to start, so I can move also.
715 pm - I text him : marci, gw jalan skrg aja ya? takut macet. Lu udh nyampe rmh/belom?
730 pm - I go down and fetch the shuttle bus. Too bad, it stops operate 730pm. Damned! I then took ojek instead to the main road. Hm.. should I head Lenteng Agung straight away, or wait? Decided then to wait @ MMC hospital, since it's convenient, instead of waiting @ pasar festival. At least there, I got free chairs to sit, and everyone there is queing to get their medicine. No one will bother me. Smart or what? ;)
8 pm - A few times already tried to contact marci. Always busy tone on both number. Started to worried. What if something happened? he is on a motorcycle, anything could happened! Begin to wrote an sms to Imelda. Before sent, then tried to call again. Luckily this time, it's rangs! but no one picked up. I then tried to call the other #. A-ha! Someone picked up this time, and it's Marci!
"Sorry May, I'm still stuck in this meeting. My friend is sick, and he hand over all his assignment for me to handle. How?"
OK. No problem. We'll see. I'll sms Benny.
Dialing Benny's number. Neneng answered.
Vm : Neng, bad news. Marci is still stuck in a meeting. So, we can't go yet. How?Dialing Vera's #
F : Ok. No worries. We'll wait. I came with my husband, so no need to be @ home on 11pm.
Vm : Ok. I'll tell him.
Vm : Ver, where are u?
V : Otw home, @ ___ [forgot!]
Vm : Can u go w me to Benny's? Marci is still stuck in a meeting. Worse to worse, I'll drive la.
V : Ok. But am still far away. Need an 45" to an hour to arrive there.
Vm : So long?
V : cawang macet.
Vm : Ok. let me know later on.
Texting Marci:
Ci, kata neneng, ga papa. Ntr ditungguin. Tapi betha jua su sms Vera. Ntr b pi sendiri deng dia jua. Zn papa, ntr b nyetir aja deh ke Cimanggis. Tapi ntr Marci kabarin juga klo su kelar meeting, ok?
Texting Vera:
Vm : Ver, su sampe mana? Ada pulsa zn?
V : Ada, tp batteray low. Meeting point dimana? cepat, su sekarat.
On SMS to Vera."gimana May? Jadi pegi deng Vera, or mo bareng?
"Vera sih su otw."
"Maya mo bawa mobil? Kalo gitu, ketemu di Dunkin donuts aja di Tj Barat. Ntr kita confoi""Ok. Ntr b kabarin ya. Lu balik aja dulu skrg, ambil mobil"
Vm : Gimana kalo ntr gw jemput di perempatan Kuningan - Gatsu. Afterwards kita pake taxi ketemu Marci di Tj.Barat?
V : Jalan skrg ya. 15" lagi nyampe. Tgu di halte Depnaker - Gatsu.
On SMS to Marci.
Ci, gw ga bawa mobil ga papa ya? Skrg jemput Vera trs kta pake taxi ketemu Marci di Tj. Barat.
While SMS ing, I rushed myself out of the hospital, and grab the first "harga bawah" cab. [cheaper it is!]
Marci on the phone. Me heading Depnaker.
"May, jadinya gmn?"Apparently, that building is not far at all. Only around the corner, after Kuningan.
"Am in the cab. But don't know where Depnaker is!"
"Itz on this side, after this building. Why don't u guys take a cab to the nearest transjakarta halt, and took the bus instead. Cheaper. I'll be waiting there, ok?"
on SMS to Vera.
Am here already. Where r u? Am on the other side of the road.
945pm - Am coming.
So, am assuming, she'll be coming down the jembatan penyeberangan. So my heads was always looking above, searching for vera.
phone rang. Vera.
V : Where are u?
Vm : Inside the cab. Where r u?
V : Here. Behind you.
Vm : So, get in. We're heading Lenteng Agung.
V : You're the one that need to get out of the cab. Am parked right behind you.
Vm : Oh, you're driving? haha. didn't now that!!
Silly us. image if i decided to drive to Cimanggis also. There will be 3 cars!! SOO unefective!
Now, need to text Marci.
Ci, ternyata Vera bawa mobil. Hahaha. Ale berangkat sendiri jua e? Kta ketemu di pintu exit tol Cimanggis.
Phone rang. Marci.
"Kalian lewat mana? B zn tau alamatnya"
"Riverside something. Ntr gw sms alamatnya deh."
SMS Benny.
Ben, su otw with Vera. Keluar tol nya sblm Cibubur or ssdh? SMS aja ya, tp detail.
Beep beep. 1 new message. Benny.
Tol Cimanggis sesudah tol Cibubur. After Bayar ntr belok kanan. 500 m masuk terowongan, ikut aja. Ntr di sebelah kanan ada Riverside. Cari Riverside 3.
Beep beep. 1 new message. Marci.
May, piye?
I then forward Benny's sms to him.
To make the story short.
We arrived 930 something pm.
Neneng said, she started from sitting straight, selonjoran, and finally half sleeping on the couch. Poor girl. But she was happy to see us! :)
A few minutes later, Marci arrived.
Then latest group was Any Parura, with husband Chris, daughter Stephannie, and her mom!
We ate and chat.. and took pics of course -that will soon be uploaded to facebook :)
Went home @ 11 pm.
It started..
I just need to meet him somewhere. We'll discuss it later on.
It's Christmas Month!!!

and can't sleep since.
Start facebooking, of course.
Met a new friend in facebook, my junior in highschool, and apparently part of my church congregation here in Jakarta. Amazing.
So, am still awake till now, in the new place.
My sister starts playing Christmas songs CD.
".. Fall on your knees.And I realized, it's Christmas season already!!
Oh hear, the angels voices
Oh night ... divine
Oh night... when Christ was born
Oh night.. Oh holy night
Oh night.. Oh night divine..."
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Hmm. Who to contact ya? Well, let me start by posting it first on our mailing list, then start texting anyone who has not joined yet.
hi all,So, how does it sounds? just ok right?
tgl 3 desember siapa yg mo ikutan makan2 ambon2an di tempat Benny aftr office hour? rumahnya di Cimanggis.. pulang kantor nya Teng Go aja biar sampe capat.
please ngacung, mo itung peserta..
sms aja ya.. pertanyaan di tampung, ntr dijawab beserta details alamat, posting via email.
danke laiii..
well, now I need to text some more friends. [me starting to head counts]
Ok then. Done for today ...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
We Are Moving

Apparently not what my sista was thinking. She goes slow with the packing. And then finally, the last day, even most of the stuffs has been moved out, there are still some in the room. And STILL she planned to leave it there and take care of them the following day. WHICH MEANS... I'll be the one who's gonna pick all the left overs. Oh-No, won't let that happened! Tidy everything up, and leave nothing... only the cupboards, since it's going back home.
Anyway, already at the new place tonight. Even everything is still scatered around, at least all the stuffs are here.
I was very tired before, since I've just finished the BBBS Xmas event with the orphans a few hours ago. But now, am still wide awake.
Never mind. As long as I can connect, am ok :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Never Ever Judge!
Browsing TV, looking for something nice to watch.
Suddenly bumped into one reality show in SCTV "Pacar Pertama".. It has started already, so I just started figuring out what this show is about along the way.
Apparently it's about girls/boys who wants to be connected to their old boyfriend or girl friend. I tried to google more about this show, so you can read here.
Anyway, since I've already watched it halfway, I don't know what really happened at the beginning. But I assumed, it's just as simple as this girl is trying to get connected to her past boy friend. I forgot the girl's name, but I remember the guy's name is Heru.
Seems like this girl and the PP crew has been looking around for Heru for quite some time. The scene I saw is that they found him at his dorm (kost huis). Heru didn't look happy when he saw his "girl friend" came along with a bunch of camera and two stranger -which is the hosts. He seemed quite pissed, and tried to avoid this girl. They kept asking him to go along and have a date with this girl, since she's been trying to look for him for quite some time.
Finally he said yes -maybe just to let them get off his back, and make another arrangement to meet up again on the same place, another day or the following day (forgot!).
That particular day, the girl went with the crew to meet up with Heru. Imagining that they will have a nice date, with the camera tagging along -oh-kay! But what happened was totally different.
When they arrived at his place, a big muscle guy was standing by in front of the door. Seems like he's guarding the door. He then stopped them when they tried to enter.
"Who are you looking for?" he asked with a strong voice.Then, all the TV crew plus the girl, half running took off.
"We are here to meet Heru. Is he here?" the girl asked.
"He is not here. I've been waiting for him since morning!!" he almost shouted to them. "Do you know where he is?" he then asked again.
"Sorry, we don't know. We're supposed to meet up here." one of the hosts answer. "We're from a reality TV show."
"OK. If you meet him, tell him I'm looking for him!!" he said.
"Sure, but if I may asked, what is it about? and who are we talking with? Just in case we meet him." asked the host.
"Just tell him, I'm looking for him (he mentioned his name). It's a personal matter!" the guy said.
In the car they start discussing about what just happened. It was clear, that the guy is a debt collector. The hosts try to put some senses on this girl, since apparently this Heru is a person with problems. You don't wanna hang out with guys like that!
Suddenly, the girl's cell rang. Was Heru!!
He then suggested her to meet up with him in another place, which the girl new already.
Then they drove up there.
They saw a guy from a far, waiting recklessly. Wearing jackets, and hats on. Like he don't want anyone to recognize him. Like he's running from something.
The girl then approach Heru.
"What happened? Why are you acting like this? Why is that guy looking for you?"
she asked him all this questions.
"I'm in trouble, so I suggest you don't meet me anymore. I don't want to drag you into my problems. So, now you leave me alone. Please stop following me."
Then he took off.
They were all stunned. Don't know what to do. The girl apparently was shocked. She started to cry, and still questioning all Heru's actions.
The guy host suggested her to just do what Heru said. "It's a guy thing. If he already told you so, you might as well do so. Apparently he don't want to put you in trouble. So, why not respect that?" he said.
But when they saw him get into a cab, they decided to follow along.
He stopped at a pharmacy shop or a lab, asked the driver to wait, came out with a bag of probably medicine. Then the cab strolled again to another place. This time, it's a cafe. He got out, paid the cab. When he approached the cafe, a lady -looks older, was waiting. They kissed each other on the cheek. And then enter the cafe. This is broad day light!
All the stalker in the other car was stunned. Seems like they don't know what to expect.
"Is that his aunt?" asked the girl.
"Don't think so.. they won't act like that if it's aunt-nephew." said the girl host.
"OK then, I think we should just barge in there. Are you ready for this?" asked the guy. "You got to be ready, no matter what!"
"OK!" said the girl.
Then, they parked the car, and stroll in with all the cameras.
Inside, they found Heru and the lady, in the corner, intimating.
The lady was shocked, with all the cameras recording her. She stood up, "You set me up??!" and then she gave Heru a slap, and left him immediately.
Heru, on the other hand was also shocked. He didn't realize this would happen.
"What are you doing here? Told you not to follow me?"
He was screaming towards his girl friend.
The girl was screaming also in his face, "What are you doing here? Who are you? Are you her pimp or mistress, or whatever?"
Heru then just walked away, exiting the cafe.
The girl, not satisfied getting no answer from him, tagging along from behind. Hammering him with all this questions.
Finally, in the parking lot, maybe he couldn't stand it any longer.
He was half screaming at the girl's face ,
"Yes, I'm a pimp! Yes' I'm a mistress! Are you happy now?? Thank you for humiliating me!!!"
His gf was shocked. Crying. Still screaming for answers.
"Why this.. " and "Why that.. " came out.
"Are you happy now? Satisfied??! I have ALL my reasons! But you have humiliate me. Why can't you just leave me alone? I have all my reasons!!!"
He was about to leave, but the host guy approached him.
"We are very sorry for what happened. But you see, this girl cares so much for you. She goes through everything just to find you. You said you have your reason, right? Why don't you explain to her? She said she's willing to help.. Just try."
"OK. If you wanna know my reason, you come with me now to the hospital" he said.
They all agreed, and all in the same car, heading towards a clinic.
There, Heru lead them to a room, that has a "Recovery Room" signage on the door.
Inside, we all can see a girl, lying unconscious. Many tubes were attached to her body.
"This is the reason, why I did all that." heru starts to explain, "This is my little sister. She had kidney failure. She needs to come every 2 weeks. She's all I have now, it's only me and her."
Everyone was shocked. Including me.
What a struggle!!
Friday, November 07, 2008
It's Attitude, My Friend!
It was whether you will be more attractive towards people that can speak other languages especially English.
Makes me wanna write in Indonesian!!
Jadi gimana?
Lu akan kelihatan lebih keren kalo bisa ngomong cas cis cus.
Ciz. Masa sih?
Just to make everything clear.
Alasan utama gw nulis blog pake bahasa cas cis cus sih krn pengen blog-nya dibaca oleh semua org, tidak hanya terbatas sama temen2 yang berbahasa Indonesia.
Jadi, bener ga sih, kita akan lebih attracted - pinjam istilahnya penyiar, sama org yang jago cas cis cus? Bener ni akan lebih PD kalo bisa cas cis cus?
Dia kasi contoh, seandainya ada 2 orang laki tampang biasa2 aja, tp yang satu jago cas cis cus... para wanita akan lebih milih yang jago cas cis cus. Ga peduli tampang.
Oh ya, lagi mereka siaran itu ada pembicara tamu, Patrick siapaaa gitu. Kayaknya sih bukan org Indonesia. Trs dia bilang gini, "wah, if it's true, then that means I got a huge market here!"
Ih, males bgt ga sih? Ayo dong people, jangan bikin bule2 itu GeEr!
Kalo menurut gw, iya sih, klo bisa ngomong lebih dari satu bahasa, it's OK. Added value ceunah. Orang ambon bilang, "ale batu!" :)
Karena, suka or kagak, orang akan menilai lu punya kelebihan.
Trs bwt si oknum sendiri, tentu saja dia akan lebih PD, tapi klo kelebihan PD juga jadi eneg ga sih? :D
Di jagad raya Jakarta ini, ada 2 jenis orang (sesuai pengalaman gw aja ni ya):
satu, kelompok orang yang bisa cas cis cus tapi rendah hati dan tidak blagu :)
dua, kelompok orang bisa cas cis cus trs rendah diri jadinya blagu :)
Biasanya golongan orang pertama, mereka tau membawa diri dengan baik. Cas cis cus-nya kagak perlu JAGO (makanya gw pake kata 'bisa'), tapi orang ngerti apa yang mereka omongin. Biar kata, kadang sala2 juga. Itu namanya dia mo belajar. Itu berarti juga, orangnya pinter.
Nah, kelompok orang berikutnya ini yang suka reseh. Iya sih bisa cas cis cus. Tapi, mentang2 jago cas cis cus, jadi suka sok asyik gayanya. Sok Amerika lah. Malah kadang suka jadi lebih bule dari yang bule hahaha. Idih, males ga sih?
Jadi gimana dong?
Well, akhirnya2 balik lagi sikap sifat karakter.
Biar kata ganteng selangit trs mentang2 jago cas cis cus, lu jadi sok asik super PD n berasa cerdas.. ya ke laut aja deh!
Kayaknya akan lebih asik ngobrol ama orang yang biasa2 aja, bisa dikit2 cas cis cus juga gapapa, tp rendah hati, bisa bawa diri dengan baik! :)
Orang cerdas tp blagu, ga ada yang mo temenan kan. Paling kalo pun ada yang mau, pasti karena asas manfaat! Hoahahaha.
So, attitude rules!!
Hidup Attitude!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Obama Syndrome

Suddenly everyone feels like they had a connection with him, just because he once lived in Indonesia.
This old friend was interviewed, that old classmate was suddenly in tabloids, etc. This friend was congratulating that friend, after Obama's election, just because that guy was school mates with him.
Like he would've remembered?
Well, probably he would, just slightly though!
Pokoknya, I'm getting tired of this!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
I Vote For Lintang

I was happy coz the kids, some was laughing and others were crying :)
Means they enjoyed it much.
(I know I wasn't supposed to do that, don't analyze, just enjoy!)
Overall, I did enjoy the story. Despite what Vera said. "This movie is exaggerating. I'm an anak kampung, but I don't act like them." [Sowry Ver!]
I love what they did, especially those little kids. They played it so well.
Enjoyed the scene when Ikal got a crush with Aling :)
The no expression ,"lima menit ya...." "lima menit ya..." from A Kiong
And Mahar, a very creative kid with his tape, battery, and
"Ini lagu jazz, lagunya orang-orang intelek"

But with Lintang..
On the other hand, as the eldest son, felt going to work with dad was more important. Felt desperately responsible for the family.
The dad, single parent. A fisherman. Only had one son. But still encourage him to go to school, instead of helping him goes fishing.

The decision he had to make between education and taking care of his siblings.
He's the smartest one. The one who always motivate his friends.
But then, need to decide something which is not pleasant!
Imagine, coming home as a champ, after winning the competition.
With a trophy.
Found out that dad was missing, and at the end will never return.
Classmates waiting for him. Five days already since he skipped class.
Finally, when the teacher decide to pay him a visit, a man came by and hand her a note.
"Dad died. I'll come by for the last time to say goodbye."
I don't like what happened to Lintang.
The decision he had to make between education and taking care of his siblings.
He's the smartest one. The one who always motivate his friends.
But then, need to decide something which is not pleasant!

I wish he decided differently.
I wish there were Big Brother Big Sister Program during those days!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Psalm 23
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
What kind of feeling do you have when you have such a shepherd?
I think most of would say: the feeling of save.
One even say, feel relaxed since u don't need to be worried. Just lay back and know that God will take care of everything.
What else? Feel comfort maybe?
Well everything is true. But last night during LG, I was impressed with one friend's answers.
He said that for him is that, he would get motivated if he had a shepherd a.k.a a leader like this. He will do his best to perform well.
You remember those days when you're always feel forced to go to the office, just because you hate your boss SO much?
Well, image you got a totally terrific, cool, supportive boss!
Would just like to do anything for him/her?
You would feel ok to work overtime, you will feel so motivated, that you will just give him/her the best.
See, that's what it should be with us and Jesus.
We sure know He's a totally a good Shepherd. Even THE best!
That's why we need to give our best also.
But what popped up in our mind when that question was handed out?
We thought, wow cool then, we can just relax. We took advantage of it. Typically human, ha? :)
Well, now that we know that there might be another way to looked at this passage, hope can change our mindset and our life
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Today and Tomorrow
Today's jealousy is tomorrow's temper tantrum.
Today's bigotry is tomorrow's hate crime.
Today's anger is tomorrow's abuse.
Today's lust is tomorrow's adultery.
Today's greed is tomorrow's embezzlement.
Today's guilt is tomorrow's fear.
Today's thoughts are tomorrow's actions."
Max Lucado, A Love Worth Giving
-from today's IES Bulletin-
Is a $20 fake Rolex WORTH IT?
Actually he's not a stranger. He often came and preached in IES. His wife even said that he came more in Jakarta then to KL. (Huh? :) )
Anyway, what amazed me most is when Pt. Chris shared about his traveled to Cambodia with his team. Whereas they went to a village near a padi field, and the church was basically just a plastic mattress. The congregation was just a very very poor farmers.
After they preached, he asked God what He wanted him to do. And then he felt that God wanted him to give out something. He still didn't know what.
A young man came to him and asked him to pray for him. He was dressed quite nice, among the others.
When he started to pray, he then asked the guy to raised his hands. Then he himself started to release his watch, and put it in that guys wrist.
Pt. Chris shared that he thinks that this guy would've felt awkward, thinking what are this pastor doing to him? hahaha!
And then out of curiosity, the guy took a peak, and saw what Pt. Chris was doing, and tears started to comes down from his eyes.
Pt. Chris was shocked. It was a Rolex watch, but a fake one! The one that probably has double L and X es hahaha! Only like $20, that you can easily get at Mangga Dua :)
And still it can make a man tremble.
Later he's been told that this man just got a new job as a supervisor, so the dad got him a brand new sleeves, pants, and shoes. So he's been praying for God for a watch!
So, this is God's answer for him.
Even a $20 worth material, can make a person truly belief that God do answer prayers!
So is it worth it?
You answered it!
Thursday, October 02, 2008

"Big mistake! I don't know the airline and flight number. Hahaha. But I got his cell. So why don't we arrived there above 4pm? Let him land first."
I was like, ARE YOU SERIOUS?
After that we end up texting each other.
I suggest her to texted Hari. She did already, but apparently still midnite there, so he's probably still asleep. And am sure, he won't be bother for just one beep! Suggested Vera to rang him up until he wakes. She refused, too expensive, and not worth it. Hahaha. Logic enuf!
OK lah.. with faith, we head ourselves towards the airport. The only information Vera remembered was, the dad is arriving around 3am, flight from China. Afterwards he'll go straight to Terminal 1 to get a local flight to Ambon. Well, at least we know for sure what time that would be: around 11pm!!!

On the way to the airport, we text meiriza, wishing her a happy Ied. I add an additional message, btw, we're otw to the airport to pick up the ole2 from Hari, but we have no clue what flight his dad is taking. Isn't that great or what? :)
Instantly, we got replies -of course!
"Hahahaha, btw tx guys. And don't forgot to share the gifts"
"Sure, no worries. But prayed first that at least we DO meet him!"
Arriving in the airport, we go straight to the board, searching for flights that's arriving from China around 3-4pm. Great! We got around 3 airlines arriving nearly the same time, but different gates. Ok, we just do our best, and waited for the earliest ones. So, off we go.
One thing, I totally don't know how he look, and Vera only remember a glimpse of him, and that she got also from a picture that our dear friend sent. Yeah! :)
At least she's sure that the father is as tall as the son. OK. that wud helped just a tiny bit.
So, we were waiting on the arriving gate. No clue. Just guessing here and there. Hopping from one gate to the other:
"No, not that. Too old."
"Nope. That one's short"
"Maybe that one. Yes, that could be him. Let's see if there's a wife with him. Oh, looks like this guy is traveling alone. Can not be." etc.
Meanwhile, we manage to get contact with Hari. We finally shocked him out of bed after 16 missed calls!! That HE said.
Amazingly, he has no clue about the flight number. WOW. So he's giving us everyone else's numbers. All the ones who's related to him. The brother, the cousin, the brother's wife, etc. And all is a NO LUCK one! Ouggggggh.
Finally, assuming it's late already, 630pm something, we decided to go to the local terminal. We go to the parking lot, to get the car. And... the door won't opened!! oh mi gosh! what now? Vera tried and tried and tried. Right door, left door. No progress at all. Damn. She called the hubby, complaining! Yes, good time to do that. :((((
Then we decide to go back to the terminal, at least they got air-con. Along the way, we asked one of the officer on flights from China. "Oh yes, Cathy Pacific arriving 7.45pm"
OK. got hope! (",)

Time went by quickly. Already 745pm. They're announcing that the flight has already landed. The group dismissed, all rush to the departure gate. 15minutes later, Vera got report that her text to Hari's dad has been delivered. OK. Another good sign.
She then starts ringing him. Got connected. Nice! :0
"We're waiting on the left door uncle!"
"I'm wearing red polo shirt"
Nice, for sure we won't lose him now!
So, I waited for Hari's dad, and Vera went back to the parking lot and tried to work on the door. The plan was to dropped the couple at Terminal 1 before we head off back to Jakarta. Good luck girl! :)
I was already waiting for almost 45 minutes, no clue of a red polo man with a wife heading my direction.
"Nope, too old"
"No, he won't be that weak to be using a wheel chair"
"Hmm. No MACY's carrying bag"
This goes by my head while waiting. Hari said that the parents would be carrying Macy's bag, since all the gifts is in there.
Suddenly Vera was back again. No luck with the car door.
Hari's dad already call her. They're all at Terminal 1 already. Ugh!
Now, how are we going there? Door is still stuck!
With confident and faith, we just go to the parking lot, and tried our luck.
Click.. click..
Hmm. Still no luck, both right an left.
Almost lose hope.
Suddenly a guy from across the lot came by.
"Door problem is it? What happened? Do you mind me trying?"
And then, just like that, Click! It opened!! OMG. Just like that!
We thanked the guy, gave him a little tips. Thank God for him!
We go straight to terminal 1, but the plan was never to leave the car locked from outside. Hahaha. Too afraid already.
Arriving at Terminal 1, we decided not to go to the parking lot. We pass the car in front of the departure gate. Saw a red polo guy sitting on the bench with a wife, with another young lady, who turns out to be one of the contact that Hari gave. She just arrived from Japan -that explains the no connection!

"This is for you."
That's the only thing he said. No pep talk.
Sounds more like, "ok here's the bag, now get out my sight, I got things to sort here." Hahahaha.
And we totally do accordingly.
What a long day!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Noah's Ark

2. Remember that we are all in the same boat!
3. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah was building the boat.
4. Stay Fit. When you're 60 years old, someone might ask you to do something really big!!
5. Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
6. Build your future on Higher Ground.
7. For safety sake's, travel in pairs.
8. Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with cheetah :)
9. When you're stressed, float a while.
10. Remember that the ark was built by amateurs ; the Titanic by professionals.
11. No matter there's storms, when you are with God; there's always a rainbow waiting!
(my uncle forward this to me. thank's Oom Tonny!)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Become Slim :)
Happily.. all the numbers drops!

body fat 27,9%
VFA 3%
Body Age 35!
Even though, the weight didn't drop in an extreme way, I was happy. Coz my body fat went down 2%, Body age 3 years younger, and actually my skeletal muscle increase 2%.
That's a good sign. Means, my fat got burned and instead turn into muscle. Great ha?
Want to know more? ;)
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Wow It DO work!!
SO, finally.. I just manage to measure it today. I was a bit afraid on what's the result's gonna be. I know I didn't know what to expect!

Well, we'll just see!
(drum rolls please..)
Visceral Fat 3%
BMI 21,4%
Body Fat 29,4%
Body Age 37 years
BMR 1275 kcal
They ALL went DOWN!
including my weight!
I lost 1.7 kg in a week. Pretty neat ha?
But the thing is, I don't want to focus on the weight or kg. NOT important at all. The one thing I'm concern is the fat percentage. Why's that? coz if the fat goes down, my body will be much more healthier. Especially if those visceral fat drops! Would love to see it at only 1%.
I'm quite happy with the results. Actually I didn't do much. If you're imaging me go starving all day long, you must be out of your mind! If the programs are like that, most likely I won't go ahead.
I just eat normal. 3 times a week. Oops! 3 times a day!!
The consultant just teach me how to eat smart.
"Take all the fruits and veggie first."
"Ate the proteins with the carbs."
"Don't forget your supplements. You will need it, since in doing weight management programs, unconsciously you will be stress, and stressed will create free radicals inside. And you don't wanna add that to your body. So, the supplements is there to fight the free radicals and to increase your anti oxidant level."
bla bla bla..
but it really DO work!
How about excersice?
well, to be honest.. I'm doing only like 3 times a week...?
yes, something like that.
So, you're thinking me going to the gym 3 times in a week right? NAA!
I just jog in front of the TV while watching those entertainment show for only 20 minutes.
You know, that's all you need, 20 minutes! You can walk for 20 minutes, that's non stop walking ok? If you like to go to the malls, do it there. But don't stop walking if it's not 20 minutes yet!
With these kind of results, imagine if I can do the 20 minutes everyday!!
AND.. increase the minutes!
Again, stay tuned!
Me happy now :)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Lose Those Fats!
I have been willing to do this many months ago. Even though some told me that I didn't need much weight loss, BUT, since the company has launched its program. I thought at least I need to go and experience it.
Saturday, I sat down with Ricky and go through my habits. I got lots of ck ck ck from him. Well.. what do you expect? I LOVE muisjes!!
"Need to cut down the muisjes, Ve!"oh-kay! oh-kay!
"Only 5 spoons of rice!"
He wrote down all my do-s and dont-s. I then decided to start Monday.
So, this has been already my second day. Quite exciting. Still tries to cut off those muisjes that I love most.
Last night I measured my body, and these are some of the results:

Even though consider low health risk, I still need to go to 1-2%
Body Age is 38!!
Oh my.. older then my actually age.
This indicates that even am not 38 years, but my body's condition is like a 38 years old.
BMI - 22% (acceptable: 25-31%)
is a measurement of body fat based on weight and height that applies to both adult men and women.
Oh gosh, at the edge already!
BMR - 1296 kcal,
is the amount of energy expanded while at rest. Higher BMR may indicate better energy expenditure (fat burning).
I need to exercise more!!
Well, need to do something about this.
Healthy food, healthy diet, healthy exercise.
Stay tuned for the updates!
which do you prefer?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hello Jakarta!
First, the plane was a bit delayed. And I need to be at Ira's wedding later at 7pm!! Imagine that.
Then, to make it worse.. I need to top up my jakarta number. And to add to it, my battery's flat. I gotta be careful using my phone. So, last choice is to still use my SG number, but only for sms. How ridiculous is that! I got local number!!
another good story is, I make new friends with the couple sitting next to me. Husband and wife, have their own biz, and got twin boys!! So cute.
Back to arriving in Jakarta.
As suspected. The flight did land late. And then, I need to wait for my luggage. I regret changing my suit case, since now I need to pay close attention to every single bag that passes me by. A lot of BLACK suit case. Makes me even late.
I leave the airport, exactly 7pm.
What the heck. Still need to catch up, and go to Pd.Indah.
So, dropped by in Karet. Pick up the easiest dress I can get, then off to the wedding reception. Luckily, the crowd is still there: Ajung and Heny.
And, as usually...
Meeting Saras :)
Settled then!
Meeting point at Raffles City. They are meeting some Indonesian friends -turns out to be Iwan's sister in law, for lunch.
So then, I marched myself to exchange some SGD in Lucky Plaza -hope it's a good deal, then walked myself towards City Hall. Half way, I decided to take the MRT anyway, just to save some time.
I meet up with Hans Gita and Saras in Marks and Spencer, Raffles City. We just walked and chit chat along the way, heading supermarket to get Saras' food. Well, she can't order any meal later in the restaurant, so that's why!
Didn't have time to chat much. I need to go -already 1pm, and they need to meet their friends.
We took pic - of course! And i bid them good bye!
Nice meeting you all!
So, I started making calls and sms-ing my Singaporean friends to find out about the schedule. I know Kyra will save me one seat if I decided to join her in New Creation. Well, that's settled. But then I really wanna try the City Harvest Church. So, I called Derek -hm. he's in JB, and not familiar with the schedule. Suggested me to join the 5pm service with him and his wife. Text Steven, Mary's husband. He gave me the EXPO schedule. So far! And it's started 10am. Passed already!
On the other hand, turns out don't know whether the 11am plan is still going on. Liza is still sleeping -tooth ache i was informed.
Olav now, well... haven't decided yet. Still thinking between 11am or 2pm.

Decide on my own is better -won't attend any.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
One Ain't Just Enuf!
"What do you wanna do, Verena?"
"Don't know!"
"What do you wanna do?"
"Hmm. How about get some brownies!!
"Are you craving for it?"
"Not really. But I haven't had it for quite some time. So, how about now? Yummy!"
When we arrived there, the food hall was packed! Great timing, it is!! But then luckily we manage to get space near to fountain to rest a bit.

He's One Year Seven Month
Right now, he can't speak properly yet. A few only words he likes to shout out are:
Yah! -copying his dad, and "Bye!"
Even though, he loves to sing -no words one, and dance :)

He always moves his hands, when they sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider song..
And of course the famous twinkle twinkle on the Disney Channel
His favourite toys is his Winny The Pooh drum, which the parents bought a few months ago. Every times he sees the drum, most likely he will go bum! bang! with it. Hehehe.