M : May, ntr jd kan? Ketemuan dimana? betha ada meeting jam 6 di Tendean, tp paling bentar doang kok.HAH? gubrak! panic attack! You got to be kidding?
V : Jadi dong. Enaknya dimana ya? Kalo ga di Blok M, or Pacific Place. Gmn?
M : Eh, gw pake motor may. Jd ntr abis meeting, pulang dulu ke Depok ambil mobil. Kalo ketemu di Margonda aja gimana May?
V : Aduh, jauh amat. Zn ada other choices ya?
M : Soalnya b kalo balik lagi, macet May.
I didn't reply his last sms. Ok, am tagging along, but doesn't mean I have to go through all this effort just to have some ikang bakar, kohu2, n papeda. Ough-ough!
On SMS with Febiola
V : Neng, mo jalan berapa?
F : Jam 5 jalan dari antasari May. Skrg masi di kantor Pancoran, tp bentar lagi jalan.
V : Ha? cepet bener! Gw jd ikut lu bsa?
no reply from F.
[me thinking hard MODE : ON]
Starts dialing Grace's number.
G : Hi May, sorry..
[opens with a "sorry" isn't a good sign]
G continues : betha zn bsa pi - i knew it!
G : betha pung anak besok ulangan, n dia zn akan belajar klo b zn ada.
V : yaaah, emg zn bsa ditinggal ya Grace?
G : zn bsa May, soalnya ulangannya ada 2 pelajaran. Kalo 1 doang sih, gw bablas aja. Padahal betha pengen banget ni.. Mana udh janji Benny lagi, ga enak ni.
V : yah, jd zn bsa ni ya Grace? kasian juga ya Benny.. -besides that, I also wanna nebeng if possible!
G : Iya, zn bsa May. Salam aja ya bwt yang laen..
V : Ok. Bye.
end with no prospect at all going with Grace.
sent another text to Marci..
V : Kalo ketemu di Citos gmn Ci? Kan deket, n berlawanan arah.O-oh. Now what? I promised Benny, I'll come.
M : Wah, gw baliknya kejauhan May. Macet lagi.
Already 5pm something. Neneng must have left, heading to Benny's place. Of course no luck in joining her. Might as well go back to the apt., and we'll see la!
530 pm-an
M : May, klo ketemuannya di Tj.Barat gimana? Biar sama2 di tengah.Then I decided to call him instead.
V : Bole bgt. Kalo disitu b tau. Itu terusannya wrg buncit kan?
Finally, the decision was, he's gonna pick me up @ the nearest TransJakarta halt. I can start moving when he has the car with him. Let him wait for me, instead of me waiting for him. Good Call!
This happened when I was already heading back to the apt. I can leave the car there. Later can take the shuttle, and change to TransJakarta, heading Lenteng Agung halt.
While waiting for Marci, I texted Fanry, asking whether he still wanna join us or not. It's only 6pm now. Marci said he's meeting will start @ 6, so I thought Fanry will have time to come to the apt., parked his motorcycle and together go to the meeting point. He can't join.
630pm - assuming meeting has finished already, since Marci said, it will on be awhile.
7pm - still no news. he said he'll call me when he's about to start, so I can move also.
715 pm - I text him : marci, gw jalan skrg aja ya? takut macet. Lu udh nyampe rmh/belom?
730 pm - I go down and fetch the shuttle bus. Too bad, it stops operate 730pm. Damned! I then took ojek instead to the main road. Hm.. should I head Lenteng Agung straight away, or wait? Decided then to wait @ MMC hospital, since it's convenient, instead of waiting @ pasar festival. At least there, I got free chairs to sit, and everyone there is queing to get their medicine. No one will bother me. Smart or what? ;)
8 pm - A few times already tried to contact marci. Always busy tone on both number. Started to worried. What if something happened? he is on a motorcycle, anything could happened! Begin to wrote an sms to Imelda. Before sent, then tried to call again. Luckily this time, it's rangs! but no one picked up. I then tried to call the other #. A-ha! Someone picked up this time, and it's Marci!
"Sorry May, I'm still stuck in this meeting. My friend is sick, and he hand over all his assignment for me to handle. How?"
OK. No problem. We'll see. I'll sms Benny.
Dialing Benny's number. Neneng answered.
Vm : Neng, bad news. Marci is still stuck in a meeting. So, we can't go yet. How?Dialing Vera's #
F : Ok. No worries. We'll wait. I came with my husband, so no need to be @ home on 11pm.
Vm : Ok. I'll tell him.
Vm : Ver, where are u?
V : Otw home, @ ___ [forgot!]
Vm : Can u go w me to Benny's? Marci is still stuck in a meeting. Worse to worse, I'll drive la.
V : Ok. But am still far away. Need an 45" to an hour to arrive there.
Vm : So long?
V : cawang macet.
Vm : Ok. let me know later on.
Texting Marci:
Ci, kata neneng, ga papa. Ntr ditungguin. Tapi betha jua su sms Vera. Ntr b pi sendiri deng dia jua. Zn papa, ntr b nyetir aja deh ke Cimanggis. Tapi ntr Marci kabarin juga klo su kelar meeting, ok?
Texting Vera:
Vm : Ver, su sampe mana? Ada pulsa zn?
V : Ada, tp batteray low. Meeting point dimana? cepat, su sekarat.
Phone rang. Marci calling.
On SMS to Vera."gimana May? Jadi pegi deng Vera, or mo bareng?
"Vera sih su otw."
"Maya mo bawa mobil? Kalo gitu, ketemu di Dunkin donuts aja di Tj Barat. Ntr kita confoi""Ok. Ntr b kabarin ya. Lu balik aja dulu skrg, ambil mobil"
Vm : Gimana kalo ntr gw jemput di perempatan Kuningan - Gatsu. Afterwards kita pake taxi ketemu Marci di Tj.Barat?
V : Jalan skrg ya. 15" lagi nyampe. Tgu di halte Depnaker - Gatsu.
On SMS to Marci.
Ci, gw ga bawa mobil ga papa ya? Skrg jemput Vera trs kta pake taxi ketemu Marci di Tj. Barat.
While SMS ing, I rushed myself out of the hospital, and grab the first "harga bawah" cab. [cheaper it is!]
Marci on the phone. Me heading Depnaker.
"May, jadinya gmn?"Apparently, that building is not far at all. Only around the corner, after Kuningan.
"Am in the cab. But don't know where Depnaker is!"
"Itz on this side, after this building. Why don't u guys take a cab to the nearest transjakarta halt, and took the bus instead. Cheaper. I'll be waiting there, ok?"
on SMS to Vera.
Am here already. Where r u? Am on the other side of the road.
945pm - Am coming.
So, am assuming, she'll be coming down the jembatan penyeberangan. So my heads was always looking above, searching for vera.
phone rang. Vera.
V : Where are u?
Vm : Inside the cab. Where r u?
V : Here. Behind you.
Vm : So, get in. We're heading Lenteng Agung.
V : You're the one that need to get out of the cab. Am parked right behind you.
Vm : Oh, you're driving? haha. didn't now that!!
Silly us. image if i decided to drive to Cimanggis also. There will be 3 cars!! SOO unefective!
Now, need to text Marci.
Ci, ternyata Vera bawa mobil. Hahaha. Ale berangkat sendiri jua e? Kta ketemu di pintu exit tol Cimanggis.
Phone rang. Marci.
"Kalian lewat mana? B zn tau alamatnya"
"Riverside something. Ntr gw sms alamatnya deh."
SMS Benny.
Ben, su otw with Vera. Keluar tol nya sblm Cibubur or ssdh? SMS aja ya, tp detail.
Beep beep. 1 new message. Benny.
Tol Cimanggis sesudah tol Cibubur. After Bayar ntr belok kanan. 500 m masuk terowongan, ikut aja. Ntr di sebelah kanan ada Riverside. Cari Riverside 3.
Beep beep. 1 new message. Marci.
May, piye?
I then forward Benny's sms to him.
To make the story short.
We arrived 930 something pm.
Neneng said, she started from sitting straight, selonjoran, and finally half sleeping on the couch. Poor girl. But she was happy to see us! :)
A few minutes later, Marci arrived.
Then latest group was Any Parura, with husband Chris, daughter Stephannie, and her mom!
We ate and chat.. and took pics of course -that will soon be uploaded to facebook :)
Went home @ 11 pm.
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