Monday, October 24, 2011

This is YOUR business Lord!

Today I experienced God.
If you surrender your doubt, He will definitely show you the truth.
Everything is not a coincidence.
I checked everything up, and the truth come out.
What should I do next?

It was an awkward Friday. My gut tells me something is wrong.
Talked to my biz partner, to proof me wrong.
She brought up the matter, to make it clear.
Turned out, as it has been told, it's something I no need to be fear.

And today, this Monday.
That same feeling come by.
And apparently, there's IS some things that has not been told.
Trust has been broken, without even spoken.
This is your biz Lord. God give me wisdom. Holy Spirit guide me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


trying to reason why I shouldn't blow off today!
like I care if twas a sleepless night.
commitment is still a commitment.
It involves other people's time also.
I wasted an hour here doing nothing.
Yes, can be on the phone... But can do it somewhere else, and not here.


*hey am human, can be pissed also!