Thursday, June 24, 2010

By His Grace vs Live a Responsible Life

Haven't been writing much for quite some time.
Been looking at the past and realized too many sad stories, at least for these past months.

Starting with a friend pass away on Valentine's day, they assumed leukemia. And then a family friend's son, only 30 something. Hepatitis. Following that, a relative. So my days was from morgue, hospitals, and funerals. Not so pleasant. In between that, got news that my friend's brother got lung cancer because of his heavy smoking habit! He then pass away also end of April. Yikes.

And just today, read on my cousin's status in face book wrote : Rest in Peace.... one of her dear friend pass away. I know this particular friend is a breast cancer patient, but I didn't expect it to be this quickly also. So sorry for her family. Got two little children.

At the end, I understand it's God's way. But I do hope she did all her best to get well and stay healthy : go to the best doctor, take the best supplements, eat only healthy foods, etc.

Then I remembered a friend, who once I did presentation on antioxidant. He said, well my life is all because of His Grace. That's why he will just live a simple life. At that time I couldn't argue with him. Cause at one point, what he said is true.

But then again, through out this whole 6 months experienced, I learned that, yes I do totally agree that life is a matter of God's grace. Everything is a matter of God's grace. But then we also need to live a responsible life, appreciating that grace He gave us.
Many people assumed that living a responsible life is only by their way of thinking, or acting, or interacting with other. They forgot that live a responsible life, is totally through our LIFE STYLE. Meaning the attitude, the way we think, and ALSO by what we put in our body! Are we eating junk food that will destroy our body...? We should do our best in everything : spiritually, materially, mentally!

So today, are you giving your best to GOD in what you think, how you interact, what you eat?
Start doing it today. Live a responsible life to appreciate His grace! Then you got the ticket to say," I live because of His grace!"

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Our Memorable Trip! :)

I don't quite remembered when that all things started.

The plan was to spent holidays together in Australia, since a bunch of family friends is now staying there. We did our ticket last year, get AirAsia of course and had a good deal.
Starting from just 5 people, now it goes on to a bigger group of 8. Adding Vera, Merny, Donna.

We were excited about it, and our friends there were excited also. So already make plans for us... and will prepare everything.

-Cut the story short-
We just started to apply our visas early March, and our tickets are for April 3rd to KL, and the 5th heading Melbourne.
With full confident, we are sure our visas will be granted.
And guess what, did we get our visas? Nope!
Out of all the first and second batched who apply, only one was granted. And the funny thing is, she's just tagging along with my sister. Doesn't even know our friends in Australia. Ha ha ha. So apparently, she's the most stressed ones even with visa on her hand.
We then decided to re-apply. Elma, Grace and Ema did it first. Then me, Dody, and Vera did ours.
In the mean time, another group apply theirs : Ade, Theo, and Henny. First two had been to Australia before, so there won't be a problem. And also they decided to change sponsor letters to Justi. Good for them, cause theirs were approved! ;p

Another not so good news came : Elma and Grace's were rejected, and Ema - the one who is just nebeng, was granted! ha ha ha. That girl is not even traveling with us, not even the same departure date. Here we go again. Remember Donna? LOL
Elma and Grace than decide to change plans. Just going to use the JKT-KUL tickets, and go back from Singapore instead.

How about us three?
Just then on Wednesday, 31st March, my sister got a call from the embassy, regarding her complaint letter to them about our visas process. They then make appointment to do interviews via the phone for the following day, Thursday Apr 1st [right on April's Fool Day :) ].

So today, around 3-330pm, i got a call from my sister. The options is to wait for our visas n passport until Monday 4th, without guarantee whether it'll be approved or not.. OR with drawl our visas applications, since we still need the passport if we still want to use our JKT-KUL tickets on Saturday!
So then, withdrawal it is! :)

Rushing towards my sis' office, i picked her up, went straight to the embassy. Only 5 minutes before closed, and proudly withdrawal our visa applications, and get our passport back.

bye bye Aussie trip. start to plan for our KL and Spore trip! :)