Life isn't about us being comfortable in the present..
it's about how us being "comfortable" in the future.. - as in after our time here on earth.
So, it's not about being logic.. or being good or bad.. it's way bigger than that!
actually jinx means curse, but itz for you to decide whether this would represent a jinx or a blessing instead. I personally see it as an experience that God uses to teach me to "grow"
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Just watched [V] Channel, and they were playing this Jason Mraz song. love the beat.
So, enjoy!
So, enjoy!
Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
nice piece.. :)
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
To Laugh On
Girls Reflects on the Consequences of Adam and Eve
My 7-year-old daughter, Jessica, is a deep thinker when it comes to theological questions. Recently we discussed why bad things happen sometimes, re-reading the story of Adam and Eve and how sin came into the world.
Later that week, Jessica was ill and had to stay home form school.
Feeling miserable, she told me : "If Adam and Eve hadn't eaten the fruit, I wouldn't be sick." Before I could answer, she added : "Of course, if they didn't eat it, we'd be sitting here naked."
My 7-year-old daughter, Jessica, is a deep thinker when it comes to theological questions. Recently we discussed why bad things happen sometimes, re-reading the story of Adam and Eve and how sin came into the world.
Later that week, Jessica was ill and had to stay home form school.
Feeling miserable, she told me : "If Adam and Eve hadn't eaten the fruit, I wouldn't be sick." Before I could answer, she added : "Of course, if they didn't eat it, we'd be sitting here naked."
Sarah Ames, "Kids of the Kingdom"
Saturday, March 28, 2009
What A Day!!

Anyway, so today's planned was for me to put my stuffs at the office -i got a 4 o'clock meeting later on. Then, drive my parents to PIM. And I would take TransJakarta to Mangga Dua. I didn't know the route yet, but in my mind, I figured I could just take a bus to Blok M, and then from there I can just hop in TransJakarta.
So, the thing is, I was late!! From planning to arrived in Mangga Dua early in the morning, it turned out to be heading to mangga dua @ i think already 1130am something.
I was excited to find out that the TransJakarta has already operated in the PondokIndah area, and there's one heading straight to Harmoni. Perfect! [btw, the architect linked the TJ halt to the mall perfectly. The circulation was very convenient. Makes me more excited.]
I was actually feeling a bit of hungry when I was heading the halt. So I decided to get a chocolate bread and Pocary Sweat. Something to eat along the way. [turned out i cant eat on the bus]
I was just starting to check out the route when I've already paid for the tickets. It was heading to Harmoni quite right, but I was thinking that maybe the lane was too long. Probably I will be late for my 4 o'clock appointment.
Well then, the bus started to took off with me inside. I was checking on my watch along the way, calculating my timing. Can I make it?
Anyway, after a while.. we then arrived in Grogol area, near Universitas Trisakti. The bus kindda make a u-turn. And apparently it was its last stop. Hm. Not Harmoni yet. Isn't its last stop should be Harmoni? I asked the girl next to me, and she confirmed that this is the last stop. Interchange. We need to walk to the other side of the road, and wait for another bus heading harmoni. OK then. Will do.
walking again. and not a fun one.
luckily am just using sandals.
the halt was kindda damped. but it's ok.

I arrived at harmoni don't know at what time. But I do remembered checking on the time.
So, this is an interchange, so many people, and so many queing. I started to panic when I saw the que. But then I realized it's not heading for kota :) Turned the mangga dua que was not so bad. I started to feel hope again. Haha. Imagine all those effort from PIM, and then I just gotta go back??
It didn't took so long for the bus to arrive. Not so much people, so I got seats. Comfortable. But I was a bit bingung, since this is my first riding TransJakarta to Mangga Dua. And I'm not so familiar with this area. I think i've been there less then 10 times.
Of course, I asked again to the girl beside me... :)
"Oh, you will stop at the end. Walk your way out, then took a mikrolet to Mangga Dua Mall"
"Oh, okay", I thought, "I know where the last stop is."
Turned out, I don't.
I asked again.
"Oh.. u need to go through the underground to go to the other end."
"underground? Uuu..this is new."
The design was quite ok. There's a pond in the middle. Places for people to sit also. But it was poorly maintained. As usual.
I just follow the crowds, since the two girls had to go to the rest room. [they provide that facilities also, hopefully it's clean!]
Arriving on the road, saw many mikrolets were waiting. Usual scene in jakarta. Amburadul of course. I assume every buses will pass the mall, so I just hopped in, and asked the driver afterward. I was right.
Oh, i already asked the girls how much to pay, so I have been preparing my money.
The roads looks familiar. I can orientate. I notice that I always heading the other direction the last 2 times i was here. Driving that is. And the last time was Wednesday. I know the building am heading is on my right. So now, I just need to pay attention to the road, and read all the building signage. Good luck with the neck! hahaha.
Luckily again, it seems to be a short trip only. I found a signage : Mall Mangga Dua, u turn 200m.
Pfuf. Finally.
Timing? Don't know. I think sometime between 130-2pm. Coz I remembered thinking Kak Maya will finished work around 2pm. So i know will finished up everything here and will took off latest @ 2pm.
I took off the bus, paid accordingly, heading straight to the stairs to the sky bridge, connecting the two buildings. I was expecting a slump stairs, filled with trashes, becek, etc. Turned out the stairs was clean. I found two men was actually cleaning up. One was wiping the walls with a wet cloth, and the other was sweeping the stairs. Cool.
Cut the story short... [a bit late? was long already, and will gonna be along one later on!]
I arrived at the store. Handle the recite, and get my notebook. I checked everything. It can operate, but since the re-installed it, all the programs was deleted. And they don't accept installing programs. Damn.
I decided to go to the store where I bought the notebook. It was their vault that makes my notebook crashed, so might as well make them installing all the programs. Smart ha?
The store is only one level above.
I marched myself heading to the store, founding the owner there, and explain the situation. Without hesitation, he agreed to install.
timing? hm. 2pm something i guess.
He start to installing the programs.
The problems occur, when I asked him to install CorelDraw.
Before that, he just finished installing anti virus. But already finished with some other main programs.
Suddenly, an alert sign popped up. VIRUS.
oh mi gosh!
I don't know how to tell, but i was sitting there for i don't know how long. He started to cleaning up all the viruses. But then the alert popped up again. Then he decided to scan. And the scanning process was like ages. OMG! Threat found 15. And then 16, and then 20. Damn. What happened? He said usually since the center didn't accept installing programs, they don't even do anti virus. So probably the flash disk got virus.
Can u believe it? The one place people came to repair their laptops, are the ones who spread the viruses? Damn.
Apparently the guy decide to do the re-install again. Since there's too many viruses. ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGH. Already 3am something.
I already texted K'Maya, to let me know if she's leaving her office, heading my office.
I asked the guy, how long would it take to do it all over?
"well, around 45 minutes la" !_!
Lemes deh gw!
Ok. go for it. I decided to wait, just until K'May text me back, informing me if she's on her way.
I didn't stop checking on my watch. I was SO tired. Don't know what to do. I can't take TransJakarta. I already imagine all the queing heading Blok M. It will be packed! What time will I arrived?
Finally i got sms from K'May 334pm : K'May baru jalan dari MTA ya.
I know i need to took off immediately. But I didn't. The re-installing looks like it's about to be done. So i waited. And waited.
Then i think 345pm, I decided to just leave the notebook, and pick it up tomorrow.
Arrrgh. I hated this coming back and forth to this place. I hated the traffic here. But then, i must decide.

I already decided to took the ojek. Bus is a no go. I will be late if i took the bus. The only way is to use the ojek.
You will be surprised when I asked the price.
The first one said, "40,000!"
Is he crazy?? he's kidding right? I rather took a cab. Full air-con. And it would definitely less then 40,000!
I then bargain with another driver. He asked for 25rb, i go for 20rb.
Then of we go, heading Bendungan Hillir. I was so stressed. My batt is going flat, so I cant call anyone. I can only text. I text Ricky to help accompanying them first, and turned out he's down stairs getting a hair cut. I tried to call some friends, even though every time I dialed, the phone's started to beep. Battery low. Dion was already in parking lot. Mery is at Senayan City, and Vincent... argggh. That guy with his 5 phones. He didn't answer any of my calls!!
Anyway, thank u to mr. ojek. I arrived 420. I kept them waiting 20 minutes.
And remember, i was still using sandals... my shoes was in my bag, already in the office before me hahaha. I was a mess.
And i haven't eaten yet. Lunch properly that is.
So there was sitting K'Maya, K'Suz, Shirley, and K'Mayaz friend, Agung. I let them all to get their skin analyze first. While I change my shoes. Hahaha.
Everything went well. All positive and excited. Nice. I think I did ok with the explaining.
Ricky came almost at the end to helped a bit, but then had to go to attend a wedding.
Everyone left around 7 something. I was quite happy with today, even with all the rush rush.
Journey ends?
Not yet :))
Scene : still @ d office.
I was so tired. I planned on getting my feet scrub with Lufra, after all the ojeks and flip flops on buses. So i did that. Afterward, put some perenial to my feet. Make it smooth and moist.
The office was empty already. Only two ladies was there.
And then I remembered something!
I had no money!! I remembered only having 5000 in my purse.
OMG!! How should i go back home?
Battery is flat. I was too lazy to do all the charging. [I didn't notice that actually I didn't bring my charger]. And also i remember that today was an Earth Hour Campaign: 60 minutes from 830pm-930pm with out electricity. So i wanna be home before all the lights went off, and the city blacked out.
Oh what a disaster. 3 bags i need to carry, and no enough money to go home. Damn.
I was digging through those 3 bags of mine. The Rp5000 is there. I need to find at least another Rp2000, i guess. Well, to karet was usually Rp5000 only with OJEK [again], so heading Kuningan well Rp7000 would be enough.
I did all the digging and scratching.. and finally i found another Rp2000. Pfuih! Am saved!
I then walked happily towards the elevator, heading ground floor, and to the main road, looking for ojek haha.

Absolutely not.
Bargain time. Why? the guy wants me to pay him Rp20,000. Kidding me? I just came from Mangga Dua with that price, and now you're asking me to pay 20rb also from here just to Kuningan?? Crazy.
He said, "well, that's an apartment"
"SO?? Be reasonable!"
Damn. I have no choice. I dont have the money pal.
I was calculating again : if that guy asks for Rp20,000 i can only go for half the price. And i cant afford that. So how?
Digging and scratching again in the bag. And the I found my coin pouch! Aha. Miracle. :))
Rp3000 in coins. That's 4 of 500s, and 5 of 200s. Hahaha. I was holding it on my hands, making a fist. Make sure it wont fall off. Since definitely wont put it back inside the bag to be looking for it again later on when i wanna pay.
I walked further down, looking for another ojek.
Then i found this bapak, who i think just came from Java. The dialect is still there. And i think still not quite sure where apt. R is. He only knows where Jalan Rasuna Said is, but not the apartment.
Anyway, we settle with the price.
I used his helmet, since I don't want to put more dust on my hair. Like it would help, after the whole day experience. Blowing my hair is a big job you know!
Along the way, I explained to him where the apartment is. I just guide him through the ways I usually took.
And then another problem occur.
I didn't know that motorcycles aren't allowed to enter the fast lane in Kuningan. And the driver didn't know also.
So, arriving in kuningan, I told him to move to the fast lane coz we need to do a u-turned afterward. When he entered it, suddenly those chips cops showed up. Not just two, but three! The were doing a u-turned from the other side. Arrgggh.
And one of them, ride besides us, and told the driver to pull aside. Oh no!
Luckily this driver was dressed neatly, and he's Javanese dialect is quite strong. So the cop immediately notice he's not from Jakarta. I then make a polite excuses, saying that I thought it's ok since its Saturday. And I use the javanesse dialect too. Hahaha. Just to make sure.
Oh mi gosh. It will be my vault if this guy will be arrested, so better make sure that's not gonna happen.
The police seemed to be in a good mood, also a bit in a hurry. So he let us off the hook.
Oh thank u mister policeman.
Now, we don't know how to go to the other side? if its a car, all u need to do, is do a u-turned.
But since motorcycle aren't allowed, then how?
I start to realized why the other driver asked for 40,000.
Tapi kan from mangga dua still cheaper. So harusnya he gave me a more reasonable price, not 40rb definitely!
I then decided to stop at the bridge connecting Pedurenan and Pasar Festival. I could just cross the jembatan, and WALKED my way to the apartement.
Yes, walk!
Yes, with 3 heavy bags.
Luckily, already change to flipflops again.
So then, i paid the guy his money. Of course apologizing for the many coins. Haha. Yes, they're still in my grip, safely. And make my way home. Starting with going up the stairs.. crossing the bridge.. down again. Then walked about i don't know how many km to my tower.
And guess what. Lights still on. No black outs. What happened to the Earth Hour in Apt. Rasuna?
A technology called GenSet :)
What a day...Night!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Pre Take Off Scene
Everything was settled at the airport.
We were waiting to board.
I was sitting and chatting with Chaken, who's also heading back to Jakarta after attending Reggie's wedding.
Then they announced that boarding was ready to begin.
We were waiting to board.
I was sitting and chatting with Chaken, who's also heading back to Jakarta after attending Reggie's wedding.
Then they announced that boarding was ready to begin.
Everyone started to stand and queue.
As usual, Vader was always in a hurry. He walked ahead of me, even though I was still holding his boarding pass. The staff just let him pass. And there's this short bule, don't know from where was standing in front of me, blocking my way, putting her hands blocking the doors. Like she was afraid I want to cut her off.
"Lighten up" i said.
And then she started to preach.
"I was just about to show the guy my dad's pass. Am not cutting you off! So, just lighten up!".
Then her boy friend got involved and do all the blah blah blah..
"oh, what ever!"
The girl keep on battering.. and even call me a drama queen! Oh mi gosh!
I snapped. "shut up, u dwarf!"
well, since she's short.
Sorry, but i was pissed.
As usual, Vader was always in a hurry. He walked ahead of me, even though I was still holding his boarding pass. The staff just let him pass. And there's this short bule, don't know from where was standing in front of me, blocking my way, putting her hands blocking the doors. Like she was afraid I want to cut her off.
"Lighten up" i said.
And then she started to preach.
"I was just about to show the guy my dad's pass. Am not cutting you off! So, just lighten up!".
Then her boy friend got involved and do all the blah blah blah..
"oh, what ever!"
The girl keep on battering.. and even call me a drama queen! Oh mi gosh!
I snapped. "shut up, u dwarf!"
well, since she's short.
Sorry, but i was pissed.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Curhat Time
There's a Science Olympic in Unpatti, actually in the MIPA Faculty.
Matheis is one of the committee. So since I'm there, might as well meet up.
At the end, not only meeting matheis, but also with Guis.
And I spend most of my time in Guis' room, full of air con.
Oh good. Would help a lot for my "biji panas".
And I need to hear all the curhat about the bureaucracy from Guis. Hahaha.
OK. At least that I can do!
Matheis is one of the committee. So since I'm there, might as well meet up.
At the end, not only meeting matheis, but also with Guis.
And I spend most of my time in Guis' room, full of air con.
Oh good. Would help a lot for my "biji panas".
And I need to hear all the curhat about the bureaucracy from Guis. Hahaha.
OK. At least that I can do!
Gloria's house
Making a stop @ Gloria's house. She's supposed to be arriving in Ambon today.
No luck though. She already went to work - in Unpatti. We only met Steef, who also just arrived together with his mom.
No luck though. She already went to work - in Unpatti. We only met Steef, who also just arrived together with his mom.
Me driving
Change of plans.
Missed communications.
Me and Oom Dezy heading campus, poka.
Vader, Oom Lewa, n bulen heading kantor PU to check their datas.
Am driving again this time heading Poka. A bit tough since it's steering by power and not the other way around. Ugh. But I can manage. :)
A good experience driving heading out of city.
The streets is still full with banners. Yeap, Caleg banners it is!
Missed communications.
Me and Oom Dezy heading campus, poka.
Vader, Oom Lewa, n bulen heading kantor PU to check their datas.
Am driving again this time heading Poka. A bit tough since it's steering by power and not the other way around. Ugh. But I can manage. :)
A good experience driving heading out of city.
The streets is still full with banners. Yeap, Caleg banners it is!
Busy Day
Oh. Am late. Supposed to be heading Taman Makmur @830 am. And I'm still at home. Oom Dezy wants to join. Today's plan is drive to Poka with Oom Lewa, to take care of all papers.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
with the Hardjaz
Yani and family came and picked me up at TmnMkr @7 pm. I finally got a chance to meet his wife deasy, and his three kids.
The plan was to have dinner somewhere in town. I don't know where. Just go anywhere but those places that I've visited. Hahaha. Ogah rugi.
We make a stop @ the ROCK, yani's church.
And surprisingly, met Enny Ririmase.
After SO long! last time I met her is around 1991. After I graduate.
So, it was a total surprise. She didn't change at all.
Then we go makan at Deden's. Grilled Fish again.. and I ordered Gandaria again! So damn yummy.
Totally full house on the tummy.
But it doesn't end there. Need to find durians :)
So we headed Batu Meja. A road full with street vendors selling durians at night. You just need to pick which stack you want.
We did our pick, and sat ourselves on the road. They already provide the tikar so we can sit comfortably on the road. Lengkap with a tent, to prevent us from raining. Very bery nice :)
thanks ni.
The plan was to have dinner somewhere in town. I don't know where. Just go anywhere but those places that I've visited. Hahaha. Ogah rugi.
We make a stop @ the ROCK, yani's church.
And surprisingly, met Enny Ririmase.
After SO long! last time I met her is around 1991. After I graduate.
So, it was a total surprise. She didn't change at all.
Then we go makan at Deden's. Grilled Fish again.. and I ordered Gandaria again! So damn yummy.
Totally full house on the tummy.
But it doesn't end there. Need to find durians :)
So we headed Batu Meja. A road full with street vendors selling durians at night. You just need to pick which stack you want.
We did our pick, and sat ourselves on the road. They already provide the tikar so we can sit comfortably on the road. Lengkap with a tent, to prevent us from raining. Very bery nice :)
thanks ni.
I did my door to door visit when I arrived in Taman Makmur. Diana was the tour guide. Like I need one. Haha. but it was nice having her, doing all the introductions :D
Turukays, Leiwakabessy, Matruttys.
Meet the whole generations. Just like us in the old days, without all the high tech equipments :)
Too bad i missed the Apa's
Turukays, Leiwakabessy, Matruttys.
Meet the whole generations. Just like us in the old days, without all the high tech equipments :)
Too bad i missed the Apa's
Serious Talk
Having milkshake in a don't know what cafe in AY Patty. I really don't know the name. I just remembered it had a banner written Nasi Bebek on it. Hehehe. The banner was to big, so probably cover up the name of the cafe.
It was a nice talk Cristoph!
It was a nice talk Cristoph!
I was glad that Cristoph decide to pick me up at Amboina Plaza. Not because I don't know my way, but this place just seemed strange. Usually this was supposed to be a mall. But now it turned out to be just one old plaza. Liked they've already build a few new ones, and this one is forgotten. Well, it's not as old and as bad as Pasar Senen. But it's as close as ..hmm.. let's see.. Palaguna Bandung? Anyway, I hope they will renovate this building SOON!
Oh yes, the first reason why we went to the Plaza is because Emilia's store was there, together with her sister's. This girl is a total biz n politic lady. She showed me a flyer while I was waiting there. They're helding a picnic gathering for all the Sumateras communities in Ambon, sponsored by one of the caleg. So, it's all for free. Way a go! That's how u gather people.. haha.
Oh yes, the first reason why we went to the Plaza is because Emilia's store was there, together with her sister's. This girl is a total biz n politic lady. She showed me a flyer while I was waiting there. They're helding a picnic gathering for all the Sumateras communities in Ambon, sponsored by one of the caleg. So, it's all for free. Way a go! That's how u gather people.. haha.
Waiting for Emilia wasn't that tiring, coz I was enjoying the sights in front of me.
Remembering the old days when I used to walked along this pedestirians. So fun. Highschool was totally fun! I realized that the some shops are no longer there, some seems smaller also. Haha.
Anyway, Emilia came on a rick shaw, with a friend. The friend turned out to be on the run for all this caleg, together with Emil. Wow! Everyone was totally seemed into it.
We decided to sit on the second floor. I ordered a gandaria juice [AGAIN!]. She had noodles. Twas fun how she shared her experience with all this run for politics. Luckily I'm just a viewer...
Dad called. Meet up in Taman Makmur @6pm. Finally.
Remembering the old days when I used to walked along this pedestirians. So fun. Highschool was totally fun! I realized that the some shops are no longer there, some seems smaller also. Haha.
Anyway, Emilia came on a rick shaw, with a friend. The friend turned out to be on the run for all this caleg, together with Emil. Wow! Everyone was totally seemed into it.
We decided to sit on the second floor. I ordered a gandaria juice [AGAIN!]. She had noodles. Twas fun how she shared her experience with all this run for politics. Luckily I'm just a viewer...
Dad called. Meet up in Taman Makmur @6pm. Finally.
Strolling Alone
Off by bus going down town. Asyik. :)
Don't know how much to pay. Some says rp.2000, another rp.2500. I'll just go with the first one, and if the driver says needs to add, then I'll add la.
All the route was familiar. Everything looks the same, only a bit of change here and there. Well, it seems difference on the bus though. Hehe.
I took off right on the intersection on a place used to call Terminal Pelita. Now they've changed it into a park. But too bad there's no supporting facilities, so seems like people don't like to hang out there. Instead it turned to be a public toilet. Ck ck ck. Not good.
I walked my way through the pedestiran. Many shops has changed function into cellphone stores. As I recalled, it used to be more on clothing stores, or material stores. Well maybe it's not profitable now, who knows?
First chores, is to exchange those batterays. Luckily the girl remembered me. And off course, I got the : "I told you so" from her. OH-kay!
Don't know how much to pay. Some says rp.2000, another rp.2500. I'll just go with the first one, and if the driver says needs to add, then I'll add la.
All the route was familiar. Everything looks the same, only a bit of change here and there. Well, it seems difference on the bus though. Hehe.
I took off right on the intersection on a place used to call Terminal Pelita. Now they've changed it into a park. But too bad there's no supporting facilities, so seems like people don't like to hang out there. Instead it turned to be a public toilet. Ck ck ck. Not good.
I walked my way through the pedestiran. Many shops has changed function into cellphone stores. As I recalled, it used to be more on clothing stores, or material stores. Well maybe it's not profitable now, who knows?
First chores, is to exchange those batterays. Luckily the girl remembered me. And off course, I got the : "I told you so" from her. OH-kay!
Can't Help for A Reunion
I just realized I purchase the wrong batteray for my camera. Silly me. That store girl was right after all! So, I need to go back and do an exchange. Well, am heading down again anyway.
While waiting for lunch, try to call Cristoph. Need to get in touch w him soon. No luck. Then called Emilia. Need to know how she's doing with the galvanic n 180 system. So we arrange to meet at her store. No news from vader yet, so at least I do my biz while waitng.
Cristoph texted me finally. He's at the office but willing to meet. He'll call me later.
While waiting for lunch, try to call Cristoph. Need to get in touch w him soon. No luck. Then called Emilia. Need to know how she's doing with the galvanic n 180 system. So we arrange to meet at her store. No news from vader yet, so at least I do my biz while waitng.
Cristoph texted me finally. He's at the office but willing to meet. He'll call me later.
Meeting Nana :)
Heading Taman Makmur with Oom Dezy, but no luck meeting vader there. Only met the Siwabessys, and Diana!!! Finally, after SO long. She's still as chatty as ever. And she told me she got mild strokes. OMG! at such a young age. But good to know that she's better now. Need to watch the diet. Enough with the the chinese fatty meat, gurl!
To Do on Wednesday?
Done already w all the fun and play day for just a day.
Today supposed to start all the work why I was in town.
Waiting for vader to call. Need to know where he is at the moment : still in Poka, or already heading Taman Makmur?
Well, need to go to Taman Makmur anyway, to drop off all the ole2.
Probably vader is there already.
Today supposed to start all the work why I was in town.
Waiting for vader to call. Need to know where he is at the moment : still in Poka, or already heading Taman Makmur?
Well, need to go to Taman Makmur anyway, to drop off all the ole2.
Probably vader is there already.
Another Bumps
Heading back home.
Need to make a stop at A.Y. Patty St. This used to be street that we liked to hang on during teenagers haha. The streets doesn't look as wide as it used to. Maybe coz we've all grown up now. Interesting.
We parked on the other side of the road. And cross the road to go to a small store. I recon this used to be a bakery. We used to called it Amboina bakery. Now they've moved the bakery upstairs, and opened a small supermarket below. Arthur spotted me crossing the zebra cross : "Maya?" hahaha.
Also I bumped into Christian on they way back to the car. He seemed more chubby now. Makmur kayaknya :)
Need to make a stop at A.Y. Patty St. This used to be street that we liked to hang on during teenagers haha. The streets doesn't look as wide as it used to. Maybe coz we've all grown up now. Interesting.
We parked on the other side of the road. And cross the road to go to a small store. I recon this used to be a bakery. We used to called it Amboina bakery. Now they've moved the bakery upstairs, and opened a small supermarket below. Arthur spotted me crossing the zebra cross : "Maya?" hahaha.
Also I bumped into Christian on they way back to the car. He seemed more chubby now. Makmur kayaknya :)
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Hours with Ong..
Yeap, HOURS!
I went straight to her store after lunch with Marlene and Onny.
We met at 3pm. Sitting at her store. Itz quite a big store, and lots of customers. Hmm.. :)
She made me wait for her for 3 whole hours!!
"I closed only at 6, Maya!"
Oke de.. :)
Luckily I'm not that bored. Was fun watching her serving the customers.
I even started by sitting from the most highest chair, and go down to a stool. Not because am bored, but it was pretty hot. And no IM2!! Luckily my phone got connection.. so I can log to facebook :)
6pm my dearest friend start closing her store :) finally!
the thing is, it already started to rain. Heavily. We have no plans. I planned to visited Tethy, but he's being a juror for the Science Olympics at his campus, and will get home late.
So, first things first..
my friend need to get home and take a bath. Oh gosh!
Oh - kay.
We took the rick shaw -yipeee..
heading her home.
And the lights were off!! And don't forget it still rains heavily!
At Ong's, I sat there in the living room with a candle on the table, waiting for her to get ready. An old guy -i guess, was sleeping in one of the couch a cross me. He then suddenly sit straight, when he realized he wasn't there alone. Hahaha. Sowwy.
We then took off around 7, by car, and ME driving..
There goes the sightseeing, since gotta pay attention to the traffic. Hehe.
Went straight for dinner to Sari Kuring something... had ikan again, and juice gandaria again.
Then had to Tethy's anyway. No where to go gitu lho..
If he's there then he's there. If not, then too bad..
well, can look for ankie. If he's also there. haha.
Arriving BatuGantung. No Tethy. Only Reggie. Then go meet the other Tanasale : Ankie n Indah, T'Em, Nona.. the whole bunch!
After small chit chat, head off with Ong and Ankie. Sight seeing around the city, heading south to Taman Makmur, then go back down town.
Around 10 smthing, they dropped me back home, and Ankie took over the wheel.
I went straight to her store after lunch with Marlene and Onny.
We met at 3pm. Sitting at her store. Itz quite a big store, and lots of customers. Hmm.. :)
She made me wait for her for 3 whole hours!!
"I closed only at 6, Maya!"
Oke de.. :)
Luckily I'm not that bored. Was fun watching her serving the customers.
I even started by sitting from the most highest chair, and go down to a stool. Not because am bored, but it was pretty hot. And no IM2!! Luckily my phone got connection.. so I can log to facebook :)
6pm my dearest friend start closing her store :) finally!
the thing is, it already started to rain. Heavily. We have no plans. I planned to visited Tethy, but he's being a juror for the Science Olympics at his campus, and will get home late.
So, first things first..
my friend need to get home and take a bath. Oh gosh!
Oh - kay.
We took the rick shaw -yipeee..
heading her home.
And the lights were off!! And don't forget it still rains heavily!
At Ong's, I sat there in the living room with a candle on the table, waiting for her to get ready. An old guy -i guess, was sleeping in one of the couch a cross me. He then suddenly sit straight, when he realized he wasn't there alone. Hahaha. Sowwy.
We then took off around 7, by car, and ME driving..
There goes the sightseeing, since gotta pay attention to the traffic. Hehe.
Went straight for dinner to Sari Kuring something... had ikan again, and juice gandaria again.
Then had to Tethy's anyway. No where to go gitu lho..
If he's there then he's there. If not, then too bad..
well, can look for ankie. If he's also there. haha.
Arriving BatuGantung. No Tethy. Only Reggie. Then go meet the other Tanasale : Ankie n Indah, T'Em, Nona.. the whole bunch!
After small chit chat, head off with Ong and Ankie. Sight seeing around the city, heading south to Taman Makmur, then go back down town.
Around 10 smthing, they dropped me back home, and Ankie took over the wheel.
Fight for the Rights..
Arriving at the Indosat office, and trying to get some luck. Fighting my rights to get connected. Hahaha.
Apparently no technician were there, only customer services. They explained that since the IM2 hasn't officially launched yet in Ambon, so the connection won't be that good. If the GPRS is strong, then it would be on. So, definitely it would be on and off.
Well thanks, even though no significant result, the CS girl did her best, even contacting to the Makassar head office. So helpful!
Then we decide to go and pay a visit to Marlene in Lippo to had lunch together. Too bad she had her lunch when we arrived. But we did go out for lunch anyway, since me and Onny haven't had our lunch yet. I just followed along.
Went to Istana Berkat, a restaurant in neighborhood.
Their most fave menu is the Es Buah Segar. Wow, totally recommended! Onny ordered me ikan bakar of course, besides the es buah segar. And I added juice gandaria, since it's seasoning :) Haven't had gandaria for quite some time. Yummy.
Apparently no technician were there, only customer services. They explained that since the IM2 hasn't officially launched yet in Ambon, so the connection won't be that good. If the GPRS is strong, then it would be on. So, definitely it would be on and off.
Well thanks, even though no significant result, the CS girl did her best, even contacting to the Makassar head office. So helpful!
Then we decide to go and pay a visit to Marlene in Lippo to had lunch together. Too bad she had her lunch when we arrived. But we did go out for lunch anyway, since me and Onny haven't had our lunch yet. I just followed along.
Went to Istana Berkat, a restaurant in neighborhood.
Their most fave menu is the Es Buah Segar. Wow, totally recommended! Onny ordered me ikan bakar of course, besides the es buah segar. And I added juice gandaria, since it's seasoning :) Haven't had gandaria for quite some time. Yummy.
I was planning to go directly online after unpacking all my stuffs, and tadaaa.. too bad! this damn IM2 can't connect. Uggh. I thought Indosat can already operate in Ambon?? Contacted Onny to find out where the office is. Plan to go there instead for better result.
Going Back Home...
Arriving in ambon after 3 years was quite excited.
I didn't let any of my friends knows that i was coming, so bumping into Ridwan at the airport was quite a suprise also. Haven't seen him for some time. So of course we exchange numbers.
Vader n Oom Dezy picked me up. Vader already left for Ambon earlier since he had to talk in some national seminars on Monday.
The plan was for me to stay in Karang Panjang, since vader is still staying at the Ajawaila's since it's near by the Seminar venue.
So, I then left with Oom Dezy, and Vader left with his own ride. We go separate ways when the car reach Wayame.
Along the way, heading back home, all the streets was filled with lots and lots of banners and posters campaigning for the election. You just named it! There are many familiar faces that I can recon :)
I didn't let any of my friends knows that i was coming, so bumping into Ridwan at the airport was quite a suprise also. Haven't seen him for some time. So of course we exchange numbers.
Vader n Oom Dezy picked me up. Vader already left for Ambon earlier since he had to talk in some national seminars on Monday.
The plan was for me to stay in Karang Panjang, since vader is still staying at the Ajawaila's since it's near by the Seminar venue.
So, I then left with Oom Dezy, and Vader left with his own ride. We go separate ways when the car reach Wayame.
Along the way, heading back home, all the streets was filled with lots and lots of banners and posters campaigning for the election. You just named it! There are many familiar faces that I can recon :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Left the office in a rush.
Bad news came from the hospital.
Please pray.
[in Jesus name, i pray.. please heal]
Driving.. and hands was trembling.
Don't wanna expect another call.
If it's another call, then it's a done.
[in Jesus name, i claim.. you are the healer]
Still driving.. rushing.
calling friends for pray support.
and still trembling.
[in Jesus name, i pray.. you can works on miracle]
And yes, the call came.
Never imagine.
Never had the feeling.
Always a complete picture.
So this was the first lost.
Starting from a complete picture.
Now one go.
Still driving, heading hospital.
Tears came running down the face.
Hands still trembling.
[in Jesus name, i pray... thank u for everything]
bye t'Annie.
see you soon.
luv u much.
Left the office in a rush.
Bad news came from the hospital.
Please pray.
[in Jesus name, i pray.. please heal]
Driving.. and hands was trembling.
Don't wanna expect another call.
If it's another call, then it's a done.
[in Jesus name, i claim.. you are the healer]
Still driving.. rushing.
calling friends for pray support.
and still trembling.
[in Jesus name, i pray.. you can works on miracle]
And yes, the call came.
Never imagine.
Never had the feeling.
Always a complete picture.
So this was the first lost.
Starting from a complete picture.
Now one go.
Still driving, heading hospital.
Tears came running down the face.
Hands still trembling.
[in Jesus name, i pray... thank u for everything]
bye t'Annie.
see you soon.
luv u much.
Friday, February 20, 2009
For YOU To Consider!! YES, YOU!!
You don't need to be an expert to do business.
All you need is just to be an expert to in looking for business opportunity that is profitable.
Many people thought that Chinese people are the best entrepreneur in the world, but actually they are only the 2ND best.
In the contrary, there's this term in the Philippines about how Chinese people work, is : work till death. But yet, they are still not the best, only the 2ND best.
Compare to who?
1. The Jew
2. The white colored, Bill Gates people.
3. Warren Buffet group of people.
The funny thing is, we never heard these group of people would work till their death time. With the Chinese people, they're the ones who is the first who come and open the shop, and would be the last that would lock it. True?
So, what went wrong?
It turned out that the Chinese is only a good followers. They're just good in following the trend, instead of setting it up. After they jump into the latest trend, they still have the courage to sell the product cheap!
Still, what went wrong?
Why does the "work till death" still stay alive in the Chinese working habit? What differentiate them from the other group of people, that doesn't need to work till their last breath, yet are the best entrepreneur?
1. They didn't let the trend rules over them, instead they set up a trend.
2. No selling commodities products. Only settle for the exclusive ones.
3. Had the stability from the supplier companies.
4. Make sure that the business got a possibilities to run on its own - this would make you as the owner to expand, either wise you'll be tied up and "work to death"
you will jump into mobile business when?
now, when everyone already had their own mobile .. or..
20 years ago, when you need to educate people on how to operate the mobile phone?
Baby Boomers [born 1946-1964] are the best target market in the history.
Lee Iaccoca, the ex president for Ford Company already done his home work. He knows how the trend works if it provided what the baby boomers need.
1960s - Ford launched the Mustang series. It wasn't the best car, but it was trend those days. Why? Because Mr. Iaccoca knows what the baby boomers who already turned into teenagers wants : flamboyant, noisy car. He provided it for them, even not with the best engine.
1980s - Ford then came out with a mini-van. Why? Baby boomers now need bigger cars for their families.
That's why, Ford company was twice boomed!
If you are in marketing, you will always look for the product that have a WOW factor!
For example, the you can see the effect after using the product in 12 minutes.
If you have the chance to work for 5 years and then retired, instead of 40 years, would you like it?
95% populations at the age of 60 years will be : dead or dead broke.
Which one will you be? Only 1% will retired wealthy.
What about JOB SECURITY?
So, do you still see your job is secure?
We used to think that the CitiBank group is the most secure one. Look now!
We need to start our own business NOW.
NOT because you needed it.
BUT because you STILL haven't need it YET.
As I say again, which number of group are you : 1% or the 95%?
How can you tell?
Is what you are doing now, the same with what most of the people doing?
If so, then ...Congratulations! You'll be in the 95% group of people.
How is your Retirement Path?
age 25 - 35 : work and get salary
age 35 - 45 : start doing savings
age 45 - 55 : starting to build assets
age 55 - 60 : thinking to retired
This is total good deal, if it all works as planned!
But what r your current situation now?
Do you LIKE TO work forever?
Do you HAVE TO work forever? or
Does it seems like you are GOING TO work forever?
You only have two choices: Work Hard or Work Smart!
Do they produce millionaire?
Well, that's your chance also in becoming a millionaire, and still working FOR them!
Tic... Tic.. Tic.. Tic..
Start thinking!
Sandy Martinez's Business Opportunity Sharing.
A Chinese Filipino successful biz man.
All you need is just to be an expert to in looking for business opportunity that is profitable.
Many people thought that Chinese people are the best entrepreneur in the world, but actually they are only the 2ND best.
In the contrary, there's this term in the Philippines about how Chinese people work, is : work till death. But yet, they are still not the best, only the 2ND best.
Compare to who?
1. The Jew
2. The white colored, Bill Gates people.
3. Warren Buffet group of people.
The funny thing is, we never heard these group of people would work till their death time. With the Chinese people, they're the ones who is the first who come and open the shop, and would be the last that would lock it. True?
So, what went wrong?
It turned out that the Chinese is only a good followers. They're just good in following the trend, instead of setting it up. After they jump into the latest trend, they still have the courage to sell the product cheap!
Still, what went wrong?
Why does the "work till death" still stay alive in the Chinese working habit? What differentiate them from the other group of people, that doesn't need to work till their last breath, yet are the best entrepreneur?
1. They didn't let the trend rules over them, instead they set up a trend.
2. No selling commodities products. Only settle for the exclusive ones.
3. Had the stability from the supplier companies.
4. Make sure that the business got a possibilities to run on its own - this would make you as the owner to expand, either wise you'll be tied up and "work to death"
There are two types of people:5. The Best Timing.
* work, so you can live.. or
* live, so you can work..
which are you?
you will jump into mobile business when?
now, when everyone already had their own mobile .. or..
20 years ago, when you need to educate people on how to operate the mobile phone?
Baby Boomers [born 1946-1964] are the best target market in the history.
Lee Iaccoca, the ex president for Ford Company already done his home work. He knows how the trend works if it provided what the baby boomers need.
1960s - Ford launched the Mustang series. It wasn't the best car, but it was trend those days. Why? Because Mr. Iaccoca knows what the baby boomers who already turned into teenagers wants : flamboyant, noisy car. He provided it for them, even not with the best engine.
1980s - Ford then came out with a mini-van. Why? Baby boomers now need bigger cars for their families.
That's why, Ford company was twice boomed!
If you are in marketing, you will always look for the product that have a WOW factor!
For example, the you can see the effect after using the product in 12 minutes.
If you have the chance to work for 5 years and then retired, instead of 40 years, would you like it?
95% populations at the age of 60 years will be : dead or dead broke.
Which one will you be? Only 1% will retired wealthy.
What about JOB SECURITY?
- Citibank - world record making 2ND largest job cut in the world. Firing 52000 or 53000 employees (17 Nov 2008)
- Lay offs : Merill Lynch Singapore (22 Oct 2008)
- DBS cuts 900 jobs in 1ST mass layoffs since 2001 (7 Nov 2008)
- Textile may force 120,000 layoffs (23 Oct 2008 - The Jakarta Post)
- Indonesia braces for mass layoffs (25 Oct 2008)
- Indonesia workers facing massive layoffs (26 Nov 2008)
So, do you still see your job is secure?
We used to think that the CitiBank group is the most secure one. Look now!
We need to start our own business NOW.
NOT because you needed it.
BUT because you STILL haven't need it YET.
As I say again, which number of group are you : 1% or the 95%?
How can you tell?
Is what you are doing now, the same with what most of the people doing?
If so, then ...Congratulations! You'll be in the 95% group of people.
How is your Retirement Path?
age 25 - 35 : work and get salary
age 35 - 45 : start doing savings
age 45 - 55 : starting to build assets
age 55 - 60 : thinking to retired
This is total good deal, if it all works as planned!
But what r your current situation now?
Do you LIKE TO work forever?
Do you HAVE TO work forever? or
Does it seems like you are GOING TO work forever?
You only have two choices: Work Hard or Work Smart!
- Work Hard 25-65 years, to get USD 50,000/month, but only last when we keep ON working hard.
"I'd rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort."
- J.Paul Getty
- How about McDonald's? = 25000 outlets (gets 3% each)
means earns USD 1,000,000 per DAY!What is the situation of your office now?
this is WORKing SMART!
instead of having the biggest store in the world, and then must hire someone to monitor everything!
Do they produce millionaire?
Well, that's your chance also in becoming a millionaire, and still working FOR them!
"There is no other job security, unless you are an entrepreneur!"
- Lee Kuan Yew, ex. Prime Minister of Singapore.
Tic... Tic.. Tic.. Tic..
Start thinking!
Sandy Martinez's Business Opportunity Sharing.
A Chinese Filipino successful biz man.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Switch It!
Once I read on a friend's status in facebook... complaining about negative people. I smiled when i read it, but I truly understand how she felt.
I realized that nowadays, i found myself surrounded by many negative people. I don't know. Is it them who suddenly turned out to be negative instantly, or is it me who has changed in my way of thinking?
Anyway, I have several cases about friends who's not just negative... but they're always complaining and complaining but never do anything about it. Worse, if you gave out solutions, the best thing they can say is, "well, that's not for me.." or "... I can't do that..." without even try!!
So, i have the best solutions to face people like this. Let me get this right first. I already do my part to listen and gave solutions. But, if this doesn't work... well... the most common thing I do is just be a good friend. Listen to their complains, and... switch to another topic.
If I need to had another same complaining moment with those people again, I won't stand it. You know, listen to negative people actually will exhausted you, you know..?
Don't believe me?
You try it out! :)
I realized that nowadays, i found myself surrounded by many negative people. I don't know. Is it them who suddenly turned out to be negative instantly, or is it me who has changed in my way of thinking?
Anyway, I have several cases about friends who's not just negative... but they're always complaining and complaining but never do anything about it. Worse, if you gave out solutions, the best thing they can say is, "well, that's not for me.." or "... I can't do that..." without even try!!
So, i have the best solutions to face people like this. Let me get this right first. I already do my part to listen and gave solutions. But, if this doesn't work... well... the most common thing I do is just be a good friend. Listen to their complains, and... switch to another topic.
If I need to had another same complaining moment with those people again, I won't stand it. You know, listen to negative people actually will exhausted you, you know..?
Don't believe me?
You try it out! :)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
After 5 Months It Still Works!

coz I was thinking, Geez, am gaining weight! Even though all the outfits seems to be still a bit oversize after the program. If I do measure, then I would now how much I weigh, what percentage of body fat I gain, and the increment of the body age. Hell, I don't wanna know. Not because that I care so much about it, but when I meet clients, and they ask my numbers.. I can't lie to them! I am hundred percent sure that I blew it!
But today, in the office... I suddenly was curious on my numbers. My biz partner, Ricky, he was sharing that he is doing this new commitment, to do measurement every early of the month. He then go to the scale, and start measuring himself. I then got the courage to do the same. And I was quite surprised!! My numbers is not increasing at all. Seems like I'm still losing weight. Then I remember once another biz partner shared after she start doing the program. The products will still work on us for another 6 months, after we stopped using it. WOW! This is really true! I reached the number 56,8 kg. A number I never had loooong time ago. Probably when I was in junior high! Hahaha.
I shared this with Ricky, and he was also amazed. Then he encourage me to do measurement every month. I was like.. "Aaah.. no. Then it's not excited anymore to see the numbers since we regularly monitored it.." And he says, that it's not for us to see the numbers. But simply for us to see on how we maintain ourselves.
Hmm.. I thought, that was good.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Bajaj oh Bajaj

Ever heard of this sentence? Well, it's quite famous here in Jakarta. Personally, I never had any close experience with this. I am only very familiar with that sentence, heard from friends or relatives complaining. Actually I used to like to go by bajaj, even though it's very very noisy, to the level of category "sound pollution".
So now, get the picture.
It's Saturday, no traffic at all, and this is in Menteng, a residence area.
I was heading back to the apartment, after dropping of my mom and sister. And there is this bajaj who's riding just in front of me. The driver just drove the vehicle very casual, changing lanes from left to right, and again left to right. Seems like it's trying to take over another sedan in front of it, I thought. As usual, I can see that all the sign lights, or break lights, or whatever lights are working on the bajaj. So, I was just driving normally. And then suddenly, it goes a bit to the left, and make a u turn!! Remember: I can't see any break lights, or whatever signal! Damn it! Instantly, I step on the break. I almost hit that bajaj.
But, as usual, the bajaj just stroll away on the other road.
After that incident, I thought..
"wow, so this what they said : only God and the bajaj drivers know, where they are heading.." Am experiencing it NOW!
God bless all the ones who's riding behind the bajaj!
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