Friday, February 20, 2009

For YOU To Consider!! YES, YOU!!

You don't need to be an expert to do business.
All you need is just to be an expert to in looking for business opportunity that is profitable.

Many people thought that Chinese people are the best entrepreneur in the world, but actually they are only the 2ND best.
In the contrary, there's this term in the Philippines about how Chinese people work, is : work till death. But yet, they are still not the best, only the 2ND best.

Compare to who?
1. The Jew
2. The white colored, Bill Gates people.
3. Warren Buffet group of people.

The funny thing is, we never heard these group of people would work till their death time. With the Chinese people, they're the ones who is the first who come and open the shop, and would be the last that would lock it. True?

So, what went wrong?
It turned out that the Chinese is only a good followers. They're just good in following the trend, instead of setting it up. After they jump into the latest trend, they still have the courage to sell the product cheap!

Still, what went wrong?
Why does the "work till death" still stay alive in the Chinese working habit? What differentiate them from the other group of people, that doesn't need to work till their last breath, yet are the best entrepreneur?

1. They didn't let the trend rules over them, instead they set up a trend.
2. No selling commodities products. Only settle for the exclusive ones.
3. Had the stability from the supplier companies.
4. Make sure that the business got a possibilities to run on its own - this would make you as the owner to expand, either wise you'll be tied up and "work to death"
There are two types of people:
* work, so you can live.. or
* live, so you can work..
which are you?
5. The Best Timing.
you will jump into mobile business when?
now, when everyone already had their own mobile .. or..
20 years ago, when you need to educate people on how to operate the mobile phone?

Baby Boomers [born 1946-1964] are the best target market in the history.
Lee Iaccoca, the ex president for Ford Company already done his home work. He knows how the trend works if it provided what the baby boomers need.

- Ford launched the Mustang series. It wasn't the best car, but it was trend those days. Why? Because Mr. Iaccoca knows what the baby boomers who already turned into teenagers wants : flamboyant, noisy car. He provided it for them, even not with the best engine.

- Ford then came out with a mini-van. Why? Baby boomers now need bigger cars for their families.

That's why, Ford company was twice boomed!

If you are in marketing, you will always look for the product that have a WOW factor!
For example, the you can see the effect after using the product in 12 minutes.

If you have the chance to work for 5 years and then retired, instead of 40 years, would you like it?

95% populations at the age of 60 years will be : dead or dead broke.
Which one will you be? Only 1% will retired wealthy.

What about JOB SECURITY?
  • Citibank - world record making 2ND largest job cut in the world. Firing 52000 or 53000 employees (17 Nov 2008)
  • Lay offs : Merill Lynch Singapore (22 Oct 2008)
  • DBS cuts 900 jobs in 1ST mass layoffs since 2001 (7 Nov 2008)
  • Textile may force 120,000 layoffs (23 Oct 2008 - The Jakarta Post)
  • Indonesia braces for mass layoffs (25 Oct 2008)
  • Indonesia workers facing massive layoffs (26 Nov 2008)

So, do you still see your job is secure?
We used to think that the CitiBank group is the most secure one. Look now!

We need to start our own business NOW.
NOT because you needed it.
BUT because you STILL haven't need it YET.

As I say again, which number of group are you : 1% or the 95%?
How can you tell?
Is what you are doing now, the same with what most of the people doing?
If so, then ...Congratulations! You'll be in the 95% group of people.

How is your Retirement Path?
age 25 - 35 : work and get salary
age 35 - 45 : start doing savings
age 45 - 55 : starting to build assets
age 55 - 60 : thinking to retired

This is total good deal, if it all works as planned!

But what r your current situation now?
Do you LIKE TO work forever?
Do you HAVE TO work forever? or
Does it seems like you are GOING TO work forever?

You only have two choices: Work Hard or Work Smart!

  • Work Hard 25-65 years, to get USD 50,000/month, but only last when we keep ON working hard.
"I'd rather have 1% of the effort of 100 men than 100% of my own effort."
- J.Paul Getty
  • How about McDonald's? = 25000 outlets (gets 3% each)
means earns USD 1,000,000 per DAY!
this is WORKing SMART!
instead of having the biggest store in the world, and then must hire someone to monitor everything!
What is the situation of your office now?
Do they produce millionaire?
Well, that's your chance also in becoming a millionaire, and still working FOR them!

"There is no other job security, unless you are an entrepreneur!"
- Lee Kuan Yew, ex. Prime Minister of Singapore.

Tic... Tic.. Tic.. Tic..
Start thinking!

Sandy Martinez's Business Opportunity Sharing.
A Chinese Filipino successful biz man.

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