coz I was thinking, Geez, am gaining weight! Even though all the outfits seems to be still a bit oversize after the program. If I do measure, then I would now how much I weigh, what percentage of body fat I gain, and the increment of the body age. Hell, I don't wanna know. Not because that I care so much about it, but when I meet clients, and they ask my numbers.. I can't lie to them! I am hundred percent sure that I blew it!
But today, in the office... I suddenly was curious on my numbers. My biz partner, Ricky, he was sharing that he is doing this new commitment, to do measurement every early of the month. He then go to the scale, and start measuring himself. I then got the courage to do the same. And I was quite surprised!! My numbers is not increasing at all. Seems like I'm still losing weight. Then I remember once another biz partner shared after she start doing the program. The products will still work on us for another 6 months, after we stopped using it. WOW! This is really true! I reached the number 56,8 kg. A number I never had loooong time ago. Probably when I was in junior high! Hahaha.
I shared this with Ricky, and he was also amazed. Then he encourage me to do measurement every month. I was like.. "Aaah.. no. Then it's not excited anymore to see the numbers since we regularly monitored it.." And he says, that it's not for us to see the numbers. But simply for us to see on how we maintain ourselves.
Hmm.. I thought, that was good.
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