Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sharing the Love

Early in the morning. Meeting point in IES, Wisma Staco Casablanca. Bus already waiting to drive us all to Dunia Fantasi. Turns out only a bunch went to IES. Others already decided to go straight to Dunia Fantasi. Today we're going out with the orphanage kids from Beri ku Hati and Rumah Anugerah. Most of them are actually from my home town, Ambon. During the civil war since 1999, many of them can't go to school. That's why now they're all staying in this orphanage.

These are some pictures when they are posing with a group of entertainer from Dunia Fantasi. They enjoyed their time there. Some never ever even tried this simple ride.

One kid in my group, not more then 10 years old.
Don't know where he got the guts to tried all the scary and creepy games! Together with Pastor Tommy's children, Paul and TJ.

They all tried lots of games and enjoying each others' company.

Anyway, that day was a total fun!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Say Cheese!

So, here's the thing about me and my friend, Vera.

Usually we planned things last minutes. That's one for sure. Like tonight. We decided to go and see the famous Sex and The City which everybody is talking about! Some say itz good. Others got disappointed with the story. Another just got excited with all the nice shoes, dresses, etc. just the fashion! Well, me on the other hand, was just curious. I had nothing expect, since I'm just so so about the series. Not addicted at all. If it's there I watched, if not, then it's ok.

That's about the movie.

About me and Vera, when we hang out -since itz unplanned, no one ever carry a camera (of course la!) But the funny thing is, every time we like taking pics. So, thank God they invented camera phones! Hahaha. I don't remembered how many times these kind of things happened. We just took off, then *click* ! Feel the urge to pose. Even it's not that important. Hahahaha.

A friend in need, is a friend in deed.
(in need of posing! "Say Cheese...")
this was taken while waiting for the movie -still manage!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008


This is hilarious :)) - thank's Therman!
(free translation)

A boss talking to his secretary:
"We will be leaving for a business trip for a week. Please prepared yourself"

The secretary on the phone with her husband"
"Honey, i'm leaving for a business trip."

The husband, calling his mistress:
"My wife is leaving for a week, can we meet?"

Mistress to her tutor:
"Hi Kid, i'll be very busy this whole week. Let's cancel this week's lesson, ok?"

The Kid talking to his grandpa:
"Gramps, there'll be no tutoring for a week, the teacher is busy. Let's hang out!"

Grandpa ( = the BOSS) calling his secretary:
"I'll be hanging out with my grandson this week, meeting is canceled"

Secretary on the phone with her husband":
"Honey, something came up, boss canceled the trip"

Husband calling his mistress:
"You can't come over, my wife's trip is canceled"

Mistress on the phone with her tutor:
"Kid, tutoring is still on schedule!"

The kid, speaking with his grandpa:
"Gramps, my teacher said that the tutor is still on. You can go with your plan."

Grandpa talking with his secretary:
"We schedule another business trip this week. You be prepared, ok?"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Take it or leave it! :)

A friend forwarded this on one of the mailing list that I'm joining.
Pretty funny.
Makes me feel lucky that I'm a woman :) take it or leave it!

will translate later when i have time

Jika dikatakan cantik dikira menggoda ,
jika dibilang jelek di sangka menghina.
Bila dibilang lemah dia protes,
bila dibilang perkasa dia nangis .

Maunya emansipasi, tapi disuruh benerin genteng, nolak.
(sambil ngomel masa disamakan dengan cowok)
Maunya emansipasi, tapi disuruh berdiri di bis malah cemberut.
(sambil ngomel,Egois amat sih cowok ini tidak punya perasaan)

Jika di tanyakan siapa yang paling dibanggakan,
kebanyakan bilang Ibunya ,
tapi kenapa ya .....
lebih bangga jadi wanita karir, padahal ibunya adalah ibu rumah tangga.

Bila kesalahannya diingatkankan, mukanya merah..
bila di ajari, mukanya merah,
bila di sanjung, mukanya merah
jika marah, mukanya merah
kok sama semua ?
bingung !!

Ditanya ya atau tidak, jawabnya diam;
ditanya tidak atau ya, jawabnya diam;
ditanya ya atau ya, jawabnya diam;
ditanya tidak atau tidak, jawabnya diam,
ketika didiamkan malah marah
(repot kita disuruh jadi dukun yang bisa nebak jawabannya).

Dibilang ceriwis, marah,
dibilang berisik, ngambek,
dibilang banyak mulut, tersinggung,
tapi kalau dibilang S u p e l
wadow seneng banget..padahal sama saja maksudnya.

Dibilang gemuk, engga senang
padahal maksud kita sehat gitu lho
dibilang kurus, malah senang
padahal maksud kita "kenapa elho jadi begini !!!"
Itulah WANITA makin kita bingung makin senang DIA !!

thank's yani!