Friday, August 10, 2007

Am I in love with God?

Have you ever feel in love with God?
I mean, totally in love!

I don't think I am.
You know why?

I've been thinking how usually we acted when we fall in love.
Even when it's just "a crush", we can act beyond.
We tend to do most impossible thing to person.
Even the most stupid thing.
We tend to sacrifice things, just to make the him/her feel special.

What happens when you declare your love, after the crush?
We go beyond that. Sometimes sacrificing things, and goes over our most priorities.

So now, if we claimed we love God, in love with God, do we see ourselves doing the same thing?
Not just as simple as, "show God you love Him by obeying Him, and doing all His will".
For me now, it seemed like it's more of a "mind setting" and not came from the heart.

How about you?
Could you define yourself as totally in love with God?

If you are the same with me, this could be your prayer:
So God,
"a crush" is just fine,
but if You help me to go "totally in love" with You, would definitely be better!

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