summary from yesterday's LifeGroup session (posted by LG leader):
";s patently clear in the account of the "rich young ruler", that if you're not willing to surrender all to Jesus Christ - including your material wealth - you can't enter the kingdom of God
(surrender doesn't necessarily mean that you need to sell everything that you own now and give it to the church. However, when the time comes and you need to pick between obeying God and your money, obeying God, in any form, should come first)....
The rules was a fine young man who claimed to have kept all the commandments, but in fact he had broken the first commandment: He had put wealth above God. He could not bear to leave his riches and follow jesus. Thus, this young man missed out on eternal life.
The ruler could had riches untold as an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus. Instead he held on to what he could see in this temporal life. (all that he held on to during this quest for contentment was destroyed when Titus besieged and destroyed Jerusalem, AD 70).
Dont's miss the point: Jesus loved this young man, yet He let him walk away.
It's a timely warning: wealth can become our God (whether we are wealthy or not) and God will not tolerate any other Gods before Him.
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