Saturday, December 03, 2005

Olav's Wedding Day

Olav n Liza's big day!

Pagi, as usual.. nyalon dong ke Sriwijaya :) Me, Dody, Tia, n t'Eef :)
Actually, it's late already! and making it even worse, Yana has other earlier appointments! So, queing it is!
Since Dody n T'Eef already finished, they left earlier with "bluebird".

Well, to avoid getting scold by vader, me n Tia already bring our dress, and decided to get dress in there. So, when we arrive home, would looked like we are ready to go hehehe
the truth, we havent done any make ups yet :) naughty naughty..

We were quite surprised when we arrived in Tangkas, coz it seemed that there's no sign of people ready to go to Petamburan. What's going on? No rush..rush..?
Multimedia guys are still there, taking picture here and there. Olav still posing hahaha. Mamie's still re-doing her make up -'s quite upset with her make up!
Pfuf!! Thank God then..

Oh-oh, not so quick... someone is still on the clock, realizing that we ARE actually late if we're not leaving SOON! Chop chop!

And where is Poppy n Lovy's Mom?? I think we're gonna leave without them.

I drove Tia's car, since she's riding with Olav, on the groomz car. Kindda get lost a bit from the group, but did arrive ya.. sound and safe, not THAT late :) in Liza's place in Pertamburan.

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